so god is a ginger, you’re saying
so god is a ginger, you’re saying
And you better bring your waxing A game or it will look like the “gift” is a nest of spiders
Oh, good, labial split pussy bows are back in fashion!
Clinton’s efforts to promote gender equality and the rights of women is (rightfully) the thing that she’s the most proud of at from her time as Secretary of State. I think she’s said that a couple of times.
Here’s hoping they send a YUGE file of dick pics.
Hillary is screaming at a computer screen right now (or drinking strong bourbon, giving no fucks anymore).
This is a prime example of how his business interests are a threat to national security and international relations.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
This is a great comment.
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.
But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.
“What do you do at a traffic light?” Thought that was great.
It’s scary how the right always states, they’re not racist or they don’t hate gay people..
Let’s face it, any person who uses the phrase, “I don’t see color” is a racist to the core.
Lordy be, I’m soooooo tired of the “I don’t see color” bullshit. Look. If you don’t see color, why are YOU COLORING YOUR HAIR TO SUIT WHAT’S PREFERRED, YOU DIM BINT?!
Interesting how these people only cut the stats to show how it supports their race-driven beliefs. I wonder if Tomi can quote how much more likely it is for an owner to be shot by their own gun? Or how many murderers are men vs. women? Or how many men stick around after fathering a child with a teen girl? Or which…
As always, the sentiment is, “I wouldn’t have to see color if everyone would just act white/pretend nothing is wrong.”
If you are a sentient human being, OF COURSE you see color. How can you not? And how can you not realize that people of color are treated way worse than white people? Color blind means blinkered or just plain blind.