Toni Lahren, a conservative talking head who once compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, sat down with…
Toni Lahren, a conservative talking head who once compared the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, sat down with…
Abortion rights activists have filed lawsuits in Alaska, Missouri and North Carolina Wednesday in a challenge to…
“Law enforcement has requested,” huh? Fuck this. Everyone from law enforcement, the federal and state government, large corporations, and some small community businesses have acted nefariously in North Dakota. This is INEXCUSABLE. This is criminal, unethical, and inhumane. This is genocide. All of this is happening in…
Personal story time! So I’ve been locked up and most people go from county to the branch location in my city. You don’t know how long you’re going to be at county. At county we were on 23 hour lock down. We had a button we could push for medical care. We were told REPEATEDLY, REPEATEDLY that someone better be dying if…
The mother was black, so.
They don’t care. “Maybe if she hadn’t wanted that baby to die in jail then she shouldn’t have gotten herself arrested” is pretty much the common response when something like this happens.
I kind of want to expand this idea into an interactive website with flash cards and trivia and terrible Fallout-esque Vault-Tec cartoon drawings of the coming apocalypse/dystopian future.
Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.
As someone who hasn’t always been terribly political, I have created a set of flashcards (!) to help me keep track of all of these positions, who the people are, and why they are scary. Like Side 1 says, ‘Koch Brothers favorite congressman, Benghazi agitator, Tea Party Republican, Congressman R-Kansas’ and Side 2 says…
See also: women who think women shouldn’t vote and/or work.
Yup. This guy should be the first reference when the topic “But the cop was black? How can it be racist?” comes up.
Ah, here is a perfect example of how white supremacy can be upheld by people who aren’t even white. There always has to be a handful of POC who are more racist against people who look just like them than are actual white people, and will treat non-whites as brutally, heartlessly, and violently as possible. They are…
But here is my nightmare scenario:
Would really like to know what Mitt’s endgame is here. For a long time I was in the “Mitt is trying to do public service by going to work for someone he hates because there has to be at least one semi-reasonable person in the whole of the cabinet” but then it just seemed he’s doing a Christie. That look on his face in…
Same and Same.
YOU DESERVE ALL THE STARS. I’ll never not star a Vincent Adultman reference.
This is awful. If a woman wants to cover her face for any reason she should be allowed to do so. It’s her face!