vote: todolist
vote: todolist
@jared.stenquist1: don't eat the brown honey.
@bucklefilledbird (Gadget Music is the New Punk Rock!): have you ever seen an old tv? they had enough trouble just making them rectangular.
the best console design since the 32x
@SamburgerHandwich: ok, my php sample code got eaten by the comment system, but just look up php includes. That's all you'll need for your purposes, we aren't talking about learning a new language or rewriting everything. It is really easy and I think will solve your problem.
@DavinClytias: I would convert it to php. You'll need to set up a simple php server but that's not hard, just download wamp server or a similar bundle. Aptana is good, it is based on eclipse. You can also check out the Eclipse php develper toolkit (pdt).
@cameron: that's a good question. I've found far fewer java resources for beginners compared to php. I really like the wrox books.
I hate to see these great concepts executed with so much ikea.
@Whitetrashsteve: wow, those are some of my favorite spices. sounds fantastic!
@MPS: streamzap and snapstream both make cheap remotes for like $20 with the IR receiver. They also have good support in mapping softwares like eventghost.
@EricJD: too true, while on one hand you don't want it to be so obvious, on the other, ikea caters to this kind of space and it works quite well.
I can't find a decent sized version of the photo to evaluate how good this technique is.
@SpriteMV: harmony is a good way to go, because you can add custom function names and activities. use a program like eventghost to control your programs.
@stainlessrat: no such thing, if you aren't making money at your job, you are wasting your time.
@Dick Ward: is adding ethernet to your ps3 via a wifi repeater any better than using the built in wifi?
@mcriddy: yeah most of these will scale, check out softlayer's cloud servers too.
@kettlewhistle: I've worn joe boxers exclusively for 10+ years
@AndyMan1: tuxedo, you chose... wisely. I've had my tuxedo kitty for 11 years now and she's still playful, healthy, and soft.