
I installed 2 case fans in my entertainment center to keep my stuff (mainly the xbox) from overheating. They are spliced to USB cables, so they can be powered by virtually anything in the cabinet. The ambient temp was 108 when the xbox would red ring. Now the temp never gets above 85.

@Buster Friendly: everyone's got their program that they've gotta have. Mine is the slingplayer, and it sucks on mac. Otherwise, I think OSX is a better full-blown distro. Two finger scrolling and expose make the small screen much easier to hope with.

@Michael Crider: since the ipad can take peripherals, I don't see why someone can't make a pressure sensitive stylus. It wouldn't be able to run photoshop, though, unless it also acted as an external display.

@amcglamry: if you french fry when you wanna pizza, you're gonna have a bad time. also, don't be a darsh.

@dysthymia: you could add it as a user script with greasemonkey. If you haven't used greasemonkey, you basically make a list of sites and attach a list of scripts. If it doesn't exist already, the code you want to add is:

this post was supposed to be a reply, so I'm removing it. Instead:

@RoofCoffeeCup: I've done a potato curry with veggies. To thicken a curry I use some heavy cream added near the end. A little goes a long way. Sometimes a tablespoon of tomato paste will add some body to your curry as well, so long as it fits the recipe. I always do the rice and curry separate, though. For yellow

@SeraphX2: these are good somewhere between wireframing and design, in the templating stage. For instance, an art director might decide on a design and ask a designer to make some interchangeable content. Using the template as a guide, they can see the exact size each area needs to be, while another team might be

@beekerstudios: you are inane and stupid: the problem is, you present something to a client with placeholder images pulled from google images and they fall in love with them, and you can't get the rights to them.

Jesus is my FPO

@chair-force: there are more workspaces without macs than mac workspaces without whiners.

xbmc gets choppy sometimes when my pc comes out of sleep, so I have to restart it. Using eventghost with my harmony remote is superb, though.

@bradvt: i've got xbmc running on mine. Don't expect HD, though.

@wiz: perhaps it isn't the lift, but where it leads?

Let's do this! Someone brought bagels? Check out this iPhone game!

it took a couple years for the iphone to find its groove. this is no different. the apps will be made, features added, price dropped.

@San Francisco Kid: I've got a good system I've been using since I was 15. I keep cables separated by type in those stackable draws (the cheap plastic ones you get at walmart or whever), and usually leave them in a closet. Video, audio, usb, power. Each cable is wrapped around my hand and tied up with re-usable zip

"What I found worked for me was having different areas in the room for different tasks. By keeping the areas separate it helps me stay on task and not distracted."