
that dirty tupperware container sitting on my desk for the past month has become my de-facto office terrarium.

@UnMicD: you nailed it. I can't justify spending a single minute on Opera support when only .7% of our users have it. We're still at 13% for IE6 and that's too much business to lose, so I'll jump through whatever hoops necessary to support it.

netbooks are the largest growing market segment in computers, and in the "race to the bottom", ditching the microsoft tax is big. google is household name even mom can trust. i think they're on the right track, although i would never use it.

I imagine this being like WebOs for the desktop. If it has an extensions framework like userscripts and XUL in FireFox that spread across the OS, this could actually be quite powerful. Add abstracted hardware apis and support for web languages and they might be on to something....

does it handle hd web video? i thought flash support on linux was still crap, and w/out gpu, a dual core atom won't get you very far. #boxee

@jupiterthunder: i used to have a problem with my cat stomping around at all hours of the night, but then i got 'kitten mittens'™. #glasses

@glitch1138: so basically this only works on machines that were fast enough to play it in the first place. #flash

@Camron: what you do is take the specs from the customers and deliver them to the programmers. no, really. #openthread

@compacho: the airport level, killing all of those civians, was really hard to play. i mean, a few of them always manage to get away! #openthread

@wickedpixel: you can't use xbmc on an xbox360, it requires an original xbox, which cannot do hd. I do almost all of my streaming through my xbox but there are many formats that will not play, and tversity/orb do not transcode at a decent quality. #boxee

@Robbie DiDio: that might be their whole game. the movies aren't worth buying, and you'll realize this as soon as you get it on netflix. but if you are impatient or have kids, you might just buy it on impulse, only to find out it sucks. #dvds

@mike_311: would you buy the blu ray if you could rip it easily as a cd? i would have a pretty nice collection by now. much easier to torrent or rip from netflix, knowing that if it doesn't work i haven't lost any money. #dvds

that title is highly misleading. #diy

having to keep up with posts like this just makes me wonder why people bother. #hackintosh

i was an avid painter through highschool and college, and i still have a closet full of supplies. it is very difficult to paint in an apt. where you have to worry about getting paint on the floor, the smell of paint thinner lingering indefinitely, a curious cat that sheds, and proper cleaning/disposal of materials. i

@Red_Flag: reminds me of "one day, i'll fit into all of these pants again" #clutter

@NorwoodIsMyHero: i agree with your basic argument, but the mac bash isn't very compelling. a stable os that they won't crap out by downloading screensaves, ect is probably valuable. included software that handles 90% of their use (internet, photos, music, movies, email) actually means they *should* buy a mac. being

what about maintenance workers that damage your apt? Every time they come in they leave things a mess, whatever they fixed has obvious damage to it and it isn't uncommon for them to tear something else up in the process. #renting