
VOTE: ToDoList

Vote: Colored pens and notepad

Just think of it as an unpaid, indefinite vacation. Still, a good chance to work on that tan.

One tip he didn't mention: sneak a leaky tank of nitrous oxide into the room 15 minutes before you enter.

I did this last weekend, only I used exclusively gift cards (does that count? they were gifts). After cleaning my apt I found a fat stack of gift cards and had a guilt-free splurge.

~22% of takehome into rent (the only metric I budget against).

@snapplez: I don't know if Windows still does this, but I remember it being an issue if you right click>eject from "My Computer", I guess because by having "My Computer" open you were accessing the drive. I just make sure I don't have any instances of explorer open and use the taskbar to eject. There can still be

@RickS: We also would have accepted "Buy a Mac". Thanks for playing!

@redslime: This only adds cable, it doesn't solve the problem of tangled cords. Also, this DIY approach lets you make any cable retractable. In my case, my psp mp3 remote had headphones+serial interface, something like 9 wires. Splicing an existing retractable cable wouldn't have worked as I haven't seen any

I tried this with my psp mp3 remote thing, and it is very difficult. As soon as you unscrew it, the metal coil inside will do everything it can to pop out, and getting the latch/bearing back into place while keeping the coil from exploding is also a pain. You're better of spending your time defusing a bomb, way less

I love how photoshop has its own dock in the dropdown.

Just announced Xbox 360 will soon stream "play it now" queue directly for Xbox Live Gold members: []

I prefer Windows' taskbar+quicklaunch over the OS X dock/menu. There are a million ways to make windows look like a mac, I still haven't found a way to do the opposite.

You can get some trippy effects by applying the different polar filters in photoshop multiple times, rotating or mirroring the image between filters. Create an action and then apply a batch to a folder (backup first!) of photos and see what comes out. In college I did a series of paintings based on photos manipulated

@Jim@SirSmiley: you're my heros! This is seriously impressive. I'm disappointed that there is no web interface, but since this uses XML, it might not be difficult to create a web service.

Intel Macs only (though you probably guessed that).

@redace: This looked really powerful, but I was only able to add 2 levels of subtasks. Better, but still not there.

I recently tried Macrium Reflect free after seeing it mentioned on this site. It was easy and works well for my needs. I don't recommend this for file backup, only system backup.

@chareverie: The problem I have with RTM, this, and pretty much every other task list tool is the ability to nest sub-tasks. For me, splitting tasks into sub-tasks (and sub-tasks into sub-sub-tasks, ect) is an integral part of understanding a project and tackling it.

Until they make, scratch that, *release* a slingplayer for iphone I'll be sticking with my AT&T Tilt.