
Using Avatar / Korra to get girls, there's nothing wrong with this.

Certainly the fight was designed to show Korra in a very primal, bestial way. After all, this avatar state was induced as a physical reaction to avoid death, she's operating on pure instinct, most likely. You'll notice she doesn't say a word the entire time in avatar state, only grunts and yells. Even at the end, when

However I also think that those of us raving about season 3 didn't HATE season 1, right? Most of us quite liked it, I'd be willing to bet. So maybe our opinions on the latest season wouldn't reflect on this dude.

Kung Fu Action Jesus, I love it. Especially since Korra's specifically built to inhabit that role, which is why its so challenging for her to live in this era instead of a more feudal one.

What dumb ending, if you stopped watching mid-season?

Dat misunderstood sarcasm

Was really disappointed when Zelda Wiliams's character didn't get a chance to get in a few hits on Zaheer.

I don't think Zaheer was using P'Li. I think she truly believed in his cause; there's no indication that their affection for each other wasn't genuine. They're both dyed in the wool believers (just like the other two), that's what's always made them so terrifying.

I think the one detraction was that the Korra Zaheer fight reminded me TOO much of the Aang-Ozai fight, complete with tall pillars of rocks, a conveniently placed waterfall, and a chase reversal where the hunter suddenly becomes the hunted. Also with the comic relief guy (Sokka, then Bolin) taunting the defeated Big

Kuvira was introduced in The Terror Within; I'm not sure if she's named, but she has a number of speaking lines in that episode and is clearly Su's captain of the guard. I don't think she's a secret Red Lotus agent, just a redshirt given some shading.

There's not many ways you could survive combustion blasting while your entire head is encased in a metal shell. Also you saw that a smoldering wreck was all that was left of her when Zaheer looked over in horror. Also Zaheer tells Ming-Hua and Ghazan about P'Li's sacrifice. Also Zaheer talks about how he was able to

I'll agree that Ozai was kind of disappointing as a big bad, and that the Dai Li / Azula were far more interesting villains to be the focus of s2. But to say that S3 had the "bad episode" isn't fair when you've got The Swamp and Avatar Day mucking up S2, causing it to have a slow start as well. I don't really consider

"Hell, even Book Three of A:TLA, generally considered the weakest of the original bunch"

Which has always struck me as weird, since she's still quite feminine. She's not at Serena Williams / female bodybuilder levels of muscular, not even close.

The fact that he was still extremely dangerous before he got bending indicates that he's probably a master martial artist. And we've seen he's got moves. They're not all airbending moves, but he's fast, strong, and agile, and he has combat sense, and that all contributes to making him a better bender (in addition to

What fight were you watching? Ghazan didn't attack Kya until the very end, when Bumi and Kya are backed up against the balcony. The rest of the time, Bumi was keeping Ghazan busy. And yes, Bumi was probably going into the fight knowing he was going to lose, but aside from being a soldier he's an elder, a leader, and

Nothing specific, just that Toph is still alive and wandering the land, which suggests that she'll make an appearance at some point.

To everything in parenthesis: Just because Tenzin isn't the last airbender anymore and just because he's a stand-up dude, I don't think he would throw his life away unless it was to save his family. Remember, he still has a wife and 4 children, I don't think he takes his own life for anything less than to save them.

Agreed, though I guess for a show where a lot of parents are watching, I can see how having a little girl sacrifice herself can be a no-no (this is incorrect thinking, of course, but alas, how society works)

You've basically sunk yourself by saying nothing could ever be as good as The Last Airbender; it reveals you've locked it down with nostalgia tunnel-vision and won't look at any new work with a completely open mind.