
You want reassurance? I'm DEFINITELY sure they're going to kill Fitz off at the end of the season.

Don't they establish in Ant-man that he retains his strength at 172 lbs when he shrinks? That's what allows him to pack such a punch, he doesn't get stronger, his strength is just concentrated into a much smaller area (and he retains the same overall mass, I assume). Wouldn't the inverse occur as he grows? Wouldn't he

I'm glad you included the exception of Asian-Americans when it comes to the economically disadvantaged. That's always a group that seems to be conveniently forgotten when people raise flags about racism and disparity of opportunity. I have to ask how you interpret that data point with regards to the general voices of

She's half asian. To me, that necessitates a racial draft. Like, do we automatically claim Tiger Woods as Asian? Because that dude is black.

Speaking as someone from mainland China (so I dunno about Taiwan necessarily), the academia-obsessed thing is a uniquely immigrant experience. I'm the only one of about a dozen cousins who didn't grow up in China, and I was always surprised to find that they've been mostly spoiled / coddled over there. Immigrant

Yeah, it makes sense that they couldn't keep it a hundred with this show, at least not for mainstream america's first taste of a look into an asian-american family. Just like the Cosby show (and to a less significant extent, Family Matters) had to be a fairly idealistic, toothless portrayal of a the first mainstream

It's true. I remember cruising through high school because I worked my ass off before then to get ahead of the curve, then being shocked and almost unable to handle the difficulty adjustment when I got to college (at a state school, no less!). The discrepancy between the pre-university system and the university system

The naive part was bragging about his straight-As. My parents didn't speak English, so there wasn't ever any danger of them complaining to the school board that it wasn't difficult enough, but straight-A's were the standard. That was par. You don't show off by making par, you only get whupped by being sub-par.

Can we really count Chloe Bennett as Asian though? She has very caucasian features and a non-Asian last name. If I didn't know through outside sources that she was Asian I never would've guessed it from watching the show.

This hearkens back to the age-old question, "is it a stereotype if its true?" I'm Chinese-American and was roughly the same age as Eddie when the show's set, and if anything, the sitcom portrays their household as more lax than my own experiences (or of my peers in similar situations). While I'm sure average or

It's not nearly at static as Begotten; here the camera moves in sweeping long takes not unlike Birdman. Also less abstract, more vocal, more imminently identifiable as human. It isn't as low-res, washed-out dreamlike, but it is still an incredibly lyrical experience well in the realm of so-ugly-its-beautiful.

So the thing about not necessarily including Mako and Bolin is that I don't think Team Avatar is as strictly defined here as it was in ATLA, where the Gaang spent literally almost every waking hour together.

Yup! The action sequences left little to nothing to be desired. A few of my favorite moments, at a level of pure visual spectacle:
- Bolin's hotfoot
- Korra fire-jetting up a building with three giant chunks of pavement in tow
- Kuvira blowing up the skyline with one swipe
- Team Earthbender tearing a building in half and

True, but to be fair Korra dispatches the two random guards in Kuvira's control room simultaneously in about a half second.

You know there are gonna be people upset that Korrasami isn't 11/10

Tu means "plot of land" in Mandarin, lol

Thanks for being here for all of us!

When I saw this review was finally up:

But they record all the episodes at once before sending them off to be animated. They've been long done when the episodes actually start airing, to this news would have hit them in production. Since there's almost nothing plot linear to this episode, they could literally have put it anywhere. Putting it at the end of

Agree with most of this. Kind of feel like if Bryke just needed to "sacrifice" an episode, why not put it at the beginning or end of the season? A recap would have made more sense as a s4e0, imo, and then you have 12 episodes of story. Or just recap at the end where people who aren't interested can abandon ship, and