That’s what happens when you sleep with you’re cousin.
That’s what happens when you sleep with you’re cousin.
Corvette owners. Ever see them at. Vette meets? They have Corvette hats, polo shirts, jackets, and even extra Corvette logo stickers on their Corvette. Their wives are decked out in Corvette attire. The only car that exists in their world is a Corvette. They roll in packs to IMSA races, and only swarm the Corvettes…
And now I want to go to Waffle House. Closest one is 200 miles away. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
Folks, it’s great if you mod your car. I modded a Fit for christ’s sake. Vehicles are for fun.
Take my money, and I’m leaving on the Willie Nelson for President bumper sticker.
-Mentions Del Sol is her favorite car.
I purchased a Buick Regal from the family of a woman who had committed suicide. It wasn’t until later, when strange smells starting surfacing in the summer heat, and a strange engine knocking, that I figured out she had committed suicide IN the car by letting it run in the garage with the windows open. The car ran…
I’m not paying $25k for it, but I’d still rather have it than a Sebring.
100lbs is being charitable. But she could suck-start a leaf blower. The seats go back, she can still fit in the fucking car.
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
Does this really measure reliability though? There’s no mention of major repairs or engine/tranny replacements. Anything can run for 200k miles if you throw enough money at it. Well anything except a Fiat anyway.
In a pre-good-camera-phone-era, I took out the back seat of a Mazda 323 hatch, made a custom fiberglass enclosure, and put three Alpine 15s and a 1,500 watt bridged amp in there — hauling space be damned.
As a person approaching the mistaking the accelerator for brake pedal age, I seriously wish politicians had the balls to put laws in place requiring retesting at a certain age. Many of these elderly drivers are every bit as comprimised in reaction time and hand eye coordination as a blind drunk person.
Do you post about this Taurus?
This time a billion.
Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.
I want to see receipts. I worked for a Toyota dealer in the 80's and the Celica GTS, Supra, and Corolla GTS were massive theft targets. They would get stolen and stripped constantly. Amazingly, all the parts, most especially the seats and wheels would end up on every shit-can non-GTS Corolla tooling around the…
I have to admit that I am on the neighbor’s side. From reading the previous article, the pilot can’t fly any more and there is no runway nearby, so this is just a huge lawn ornament. I would be mad too if my neighbor had a car, plane, blimp, whatever in their driveway that never moved, even if it doesn’t encroach on…
Gas is pretty astoundingly cheap right now, but, for a brief, glorious moment over this weekend, gas was absurdly…