If this thing is a manual, then the driver has the clutchwork of a god.
If this thing is a manual, then the driver has the clutchwork of a god.
“Sounds like a good deal, would you consider trading for a 1991 Ford Ranger and a hunting rifle?”
Great car, but the build quality and reliability were crap.
Haha, I said a BIT more American, not....jeez I don’t even have words to describe that thing. Does it have an apple pie oven in the center console and a batting cage in the bed?
Is that Ronda Rousey?
Kids in Detroit are taught to hustle as early as elementary school. There is a company in metro Detroit called…
You are close on these points but a little off. The comment about driving the car hard to keep it from carboning up, I think you are referring to the gunk build up from oil residue on the top of the intake valves. How you drive will have zero effect on that, you will have to clean them anyways and if you want to keep…
2016 Volkswagen models will now run on a hope and a prayer, which produce the same approximate power output as the original Type I Beetle.
I ended up partaking in road rage fisticuffs on my second lesson - I’d just turned 16 and had driver’s ed. It was with an older man, European, from the land of BMW’s and Mercedes. It was my second lesson, I was finally allowed to put my foot on the pedals and I was psyched feeling like a king in a 2000 Camry!
Hakuna Takata, what a terrible phrase
Hakuna Takata, ain’t no passing craze
It means grave worries for the rest of your days
It’s our problem laced philosophy, Hakuna Takata
Wow. send the link so I can watch it. Thanks
Neutral: Here’s a wacky idea - what if VW, as a brand, decided to lay low for a while due to their damaged reputation, and made one of their other nameplates the public face instead? Like how there are no cars sold under the brand name GM, but their various divisions instead. What if America saw a “brand new”…
Air-cooled VW Beetle.
The corvette is so mystical it can levitate
Because the rich don’t spend money.
Faster than a speeding bullet.
I am imagining Torch in a furious rage slamming his hands on the keyboard while writing this article while smoking tons of cigarettes.