sam bozeman

Cool bike, and it’s nearby. If I hadn’t just bought another car, I might buy it. NP for sure.

seen fleeing the country

I know, I know. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me his car was “underrated from the factory.” No joke, I’ve had people tell me that about minivans.

If car polishers are going to get in your picture, then the Show should have them all dressed in either Playboy bunny or Chippendale costumes so that someone can at least enjoy the blown shot.

I think the people over at Nissan have been playing too much rocket league.

I was just wondering if they picked the wrong person for the review. I got the impression that the game didn't stand a chance before it left the case.

If anyone asks what a vehicle would look like without any vestige of styling and marketing tell them to GIS 101”.

You might want to postpone the Hitler murder trip until after you make an amphibious Thing.

I believe Rezosu/Lazius refers to the currently equipped weapon - whether you’re in your ship or not. I believe Rezosu is single shot (perhaps for resource gathering), Lazius is a continuous laser beam.