Sam Binder


it was the late 70s/early 80s. Presumably, someone had it happen, got a huge insurance payment, and other people saw how well they got along; one thing led to another and uh yeah. insurance fraud.

So two months ago I watched "Vernon, Florida" because one of my friends really enjoys the …. mindset? rambling stories? culture? of rural america. I had no idea it was originally about some self-mutilative insurance fraud.

it wasn't just a cassette - it was a cassingle

hence why Gordon Ramsay goes over budget every production

whoa does MKE not have a Glass Nickel Pizza Co.?

they were first seen in mario's dream, but that doesn't mean they originated there any more than it means chocolate cake originated in my dreams (unless it does, in which case you're welcome)

spore. and I like to imagine that they're generally asexual reproducers but Toadette identifies as female.

being able to play as spooky mario and throw skeletons at people would be the best thing

what, now apes can't have wives?

citizens of the mushroom kingdom moonlighting for bowser (or whichever tyrant is in vogue) anonymously because a monarchy cannot meet the needs of the citizenry

or bowser jr?

as an artist, let me assure you that artists intent doesn't matter at all.

evolution of premises manq

why not both?

art - even low art - can't exist in a vaccuum - the context and audience of a medium is just as important to understanding that medium and any/all reactions to it. And sublime is definitely the worst.

Can the AV Club have a series that's just a series of reaction pieces to Vice?

Fraiser? That was set in Seattle.

also if you're going to be sending 1,000 post cards, your local post office's bulk mail entry unit can probably help you find a cheaper rate than .34/ea