Sam Binder

so it's a sad state of the non-musician public that it takes that sort of shit to get anywhere.

I'd imagine eunuchcorns are even harder to find.

advantage okc, unless for some reason you were in love with myspace's aesthetics circa 2007.

he'd make everyone else look terrible.

oh shit re-enactment. so glad i'm not the only person who can't stand the re-enactors.

the venues should really work with the artists to have a videographer on staff, not unlike a sound engineer; someone who can take the audio from the mixing board, sync it with the video, and offer it as a download where… idk your ticket stub number is your download code. or something. and then everyone gets to take a

yeah was this the first time the show passed the Bechdel test?

finite amounts of arrows, dawg.

When Sam was in the library immediately after his conversation about loopholes in the Nightswatch vows, I figured he was verifying the loopholes he thought up against the bylaws and statutes of the watch.

well, maybe not Pyp. But judging by how he wound up at the wall, he wasn't a fan of the process.

whoa whoa whoa, what Mr Rodgers were you watching that there wasn't sex?

yeah the truly enterprising souls should be finishing up around 3 or 4 EST this afternoon

what an alarmingly wrong opinion.

ugh not Heroes and Villains? Some B.S. Mike Love nonsense from Surf's Up?

to be fair, it was red afterwards.

because it's based more off Kabbalah/horoscopes/etc (or, a very skewed interpretation of kaballah) than actual astronomy

wait I thought Billy Idol was dead, and his spirit inhabited a five year old otter.


Mark Margolis, man.