
$50 and a year of Xbox Live? Soo…$100? That doesn't sound like much.

Zuniga actually worked PR for Rockstar for a bit and does/did some writing for Ea Sports, I think.

You're on the right track, but no, the greatest moment in the entire history of the series is Homer putting the onion ring on Marge's finger and saying "pour vous" in a callback to when she tutored him in French which happened in a different episode. Continuity!

The A.V. Club
I've had sex!

Alright, nerds: What's YOUR gamerscore?

Fun Fact: I made up the nickname "Fedora'd Fiend." If all the Green Hornet superfans out there would like to start using it, feel free. I'll gladly accept any associated royalties.

Please do. It makes me sound pretty rad. (Not that I'm not!)

Newswire! Be Sharps Sing On Rooftop!

I believe the fine print explains that if they find out you're not actually a student, you could be charged back-shipping.

Shh, don't let them catch on!

Evidently! I mean, it's not like we're talking about Super Popular Mainstream Cartoon Show That Isn't As Good As It Used To Be or even Beloved Laurel Canyon Indie Band.

Confession: I've only seen one or two episodes of Cult-Classic Cartoon Show, as evidenced by the graceful way I avoided actually referencing it in the article.

Don't tell TPP, but I was always a Kabuto guy. He looks a little cooler.

I love that such a huge battle came down to what is effectively an AI glitch. Seems appropriate for the whole anarchic spirit of this.

I do love those. It's very weird how different the original games looked when compared to, say, the cartoon.

Thanks! This whole thing is so crazy, I thought it'd be a good idea to try and make some sense out of it.

I got a free copy of Fable III when I bought the one of the redesigned 360s. I had it on my shelf for a year and only broke the shrinkwrap so I could sell it.

Michael Cera or Jonah Hill as Shigeru Miyamoto?

My highscore is like 8k something and that took some doing. :(
I looked up some tips online and this one article was all about "MEMORIZE THESE ALGORITHMS!" and I was like fuck that. I don't wanna do no learnin' to play a game about numbers with faces.

Jango Fett was the best. His jet pack special broke the game in such a good way.