
THAT'S the hard thing to believe about MGS3? As the Gameologerinos might know, it's one of my favorite games ever, but c'mon. It has a guy with lightning powers and a guy who shoots bees! And a ghost!

If only I had more than one up vote to give. "My date with the president's daughter/my date…WITH HER."

I once wrote a review of the HD re-release of Sonic Adventure 2, which is a crap game and was a crap re-release. One commentor wrote: "Fuck this reviewer." and then A YEAR LATER, he e-mailed me to apologize. So yeah, terrifying and incomprehensible.

I'm pretty jazzed for that. One of my complaints about Part 1 is that we barely encountered the BioShock characters at all (other than Cohen). I wanted some more Andrew Ryan, but I think there was only one PA announcement from him. It'll be cool to interact a bit with kindly ol' Atlas.

You know it, johnny boy.

I have played that, and I remember it being pretty fun. A little too…unbalanced for my taste with all the point switching, but it was neat. It reminded me of the Buzz trivia games on PlayStation. Those were always a lot of fun too.

The Antz to my Bug's Life.

Really? I never noticed that. I know on Easy it's just multiple choice (and super dull because of it).

My girlfriend and I have reached that point in this one, I think. It makes me wish the game handled it like You Don't Know Jack, with its specific separate episodes.

Occasionally this one will be a stickler for using the plural version of things. The clue usually gives away what kind of answer they want, but again, when it auto-completes what you type in it's easy to make that mistake.

I agree. I was hoping the game would have unlockable Trebek skins or something, but no luck.

That Angry Birds thing is from one of the earlier Digests, right? So it used to have food in it…that counts.

"Mouse on a String was the worst reboot of the Mouse on a String games."

He's gonna drive his tiny car all the way to the bank!

Ring From A Milk Jug was the usual hipster garbage. I know it's the same thing every year, but Plastic Circle With A Ball Stuck Inside It is at least reliably excellent

That clip would fit in well with Pete Strackmeier's highlight reel.

That's John Teti, one of Time Magazine's Top 25 Bloggers (or whatever) driving a tiny car.

I've had a Kinect attached to my 360 for a few years now, and when the voice commands work they're very cool and a lot more convenient than, say, grabbing my xbox remote to pause Netflix.

"Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft"

That's what it sounds like to me, too. Of course, the NMPA is taking it to mean that it's not Fair Use, and that they should go ahead and sue everybody.