
What I don’t get about this dude and Terry Richardson is that none of their photographs are new or providing any kind of new artistic perspective. They just look like cheap 70's porn. I just don’t get it.

First..oh yuk, not again.
Second, I keep wondering why Terry Richardson has not been caught in the same net that scooped Weinstein out of the water and seems to have snagged Leder? People have known about him for decades but I hear nothing about anyone taking him to court. I want somebody to get that guy too.

The same men who insist they cannot be expected to sit through a work conference call without yanking on their dick? Consistently amazed that the world continues to let the masturbatory, emotionally stunted half run shit.

I can confirm that our goal is absolutely a full-blown matriarchy. First we gain the presidency, then we start oppressing the men.

We start passing laws on what elective medical procedures they can have to erode their bodily autonomy, pay them less so they’re more dependent on us, only test medication on women so it’s 

It still blows my mind how anyone can see Trump as an “Alpha male". Even back in his salad days he was an obnoxious little shit. Who looks at a morbidly obese elderly man with an undead roadkill toupee, cameltoe neck, ridiculously tacky ill-fitting clothes and orange pancake makeup that’s applied with a trowel, and

Plus if those wusses think HRC was still getting her period when she was running for president, our sex education system sucks. 

Men have a daily hormone cycle. Women, once a month.

What a bunch of whiny little assholes. We’ve had centuries of exclusively male leadership, even if Harris does become president life will go on. Also, if your religion tells you that ‘women voting goes against “God’s ordained order of men being the leaders”’, time to choose a new religion.

To be fair, mango is objectively the best fruit. Don’t @ me.

Hipsters killed beards first

Don’t forget the truck nuts

He looks like the kind of white person who argues that it’s unfair that only Black people can use the n-word.

We definitely won’t because the media will never stop giving these idiots a platform. As much as I don’t like censorship, there is a line of truthfulness that Trump has pushed way beyond and that we’ve just grown accustomed to tolerating. I honestly feel if the President’s press secretary knowingly lies to the

Parscale looks just as I imagine every Trump supporter to look (the white ones, that is). Pasty pale skin (sitting in the basement playing video games), thinning hair, some ass ugly beard, tattoos (American eagles, guns & ammo stuff), cargo pants/long baggy shorts in camo print, a truck (with bumper stickers), a

I’m pretty sure they understood it. In another AOC tweet she stated:

I only attended two years of public high school followed by three years of community college (that I didn’t get any degree in) and I know all them words.


Facebook in particular. 

The internet was a mistake. 

Yale’s Grievance Board statement is posted here—and is easily available as the kind of standard response she allows us to believe, for much of the piece, that the college doesn’t have.