
Dalilah is a horrible person.

And who knows how many more haven’t come forward for that reason. It’s upsetting.

I believe Ashley. USFS has a lot of answer for when it comes to why they did not offer up public support for Bridget Namiotka when she came forward. They spoke to Ashley in February before Bridget went public and they said nothing. Ashley has now gone public with her story about Coughlin, they did issue a statement of

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

Hot Topic is more Punk Rock than voting Republican.

Jesus H Christ, what a bunch of stupid assholes you found to interview.

This year, he plans on casting a protest vote as well. “I had my mind made up five days ago, I was gonna vote straight Republican,” Soto said. He had voted for Trump in 2016. “But then he started this nonsense about ending birthright citizenship.”

Hard agree.  Taylor does something good, something that this site has been bitching about her not doing for eons, and it still isn’t enough.  Just say you hate her and you will never approve of anything she does just because of who she is and get it over with.  

Do people really think it was her? I don’t think that op-ed had anything plagiarized from Michelle Obama, did it?

My four word endorsement: young, naked Rupert Graves. (Not that older, clad silverfoxdaddy Rupert Graves is anything to sneeze at. I am incapable of watching him in Sherlock without blurting out “FUCK, JUST TAKE ME”, which my partner greatly appreciates, I’m sure.)

I do, but I only look at 3 and 4 star reviews. I figure 1 & 2 star reviews are people mad at the server for forgetting the side of ranch and 5 stars are mostly family and friends of employees. 

Gwyneth and Brad are getting married in the Hamptons.

Irony suggests she didn’t do it deliberately.

“I read Betty Friedan’s book because I was very curious about it, and it’s so whiny, it’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these suburban housewives from the late ’50s ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re bored because they don’t have enough

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

See this is a good point. Ketchonnaise sounds so much better.

White “Christians,” mostly.

V/M have great chemistry but I am not here for some people on here discrediting how good they are technically by saying they only won because of their chemistry or their forced “sexiness “. They are far superior skaters than their competition with P/C being the closest. I like the Shibs but to claim they are superior

Please, he can’t get over four guys?

Read better.