
The Quebecois are assholes (and casually racist as their recent “face-covering” ban shows). Albertans can often be assholes too. And don’t get a British Columbian talking about how great their province is unless you’re looking to lose the will to live.

Also, I mean, I don’t care how tired I am, I don’t slut shame women. I don’t suggest that victims were essentially asking for it by dressing a certain way. Seriously. A good night’s sleep isn’t all that’s between me and being an asshole.

He can say whatever he wants because his supporters will believe him. Rage at the lies all you like, the fuckers who voted for him will make this their new reality.

Simply because she’s a woman? Might as well praise Trump then ffs.

Judi Dench and Maggie Smith have definitely been in films together. Just off the top of my head there’s The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 1 & 2.

See? I would like that sweater if the bottom half wasn’t missing and it didn’t have all those fucking holes in it.

It’s almost like Max Factor has a bunch of accounts on Jez.

As will I. Currently, I have to burn a little incense every night in an offering prayer to the film casting gods to ensure that Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal are never cast in his films. Once he dies, I’ll save a fortune in incense alone.

Huh. I thought recent research showed the psychopaths had brain abnormalities that were the result of childhood trauma.

And you know what’s worse that being called racist?

I haven’t. I grew up in the 80s and apparently I MUST love it and yet I don’t. I haven’t seen it and I don’t care to.

Yeah. I mean, dislike her music if you want to but this is a woman who is claiming sexual harassment/assault at work, ffs. Is there even a pretense of feminism on this site anymore?

I find it’s always best for women to drop their sexual harassment/assault claims. After all, no one wants that shit out there.

K-Stew, Dunham, Schumer, and Gaga have all been in the doghouse on Jez.

Well, there’s always revolution.

Good. She deserves to be tried publicly.

“Scott Baio’s Feud Over Costar’s Death Has Morphed Into an Argument About His Penis Size”

Whoa. So he keeps joint custody. THAT’S what he was fighting against. He’s not being shut out of the kids’ lives, he just has to share them with their mother.

That’s my strategy too. I never click on a Kardashian/Jenner story.