Imagine the level of discourse at that dinner table.
Imagine the level of discourse at that dinner table.
No need to assume. The shooter was 53 yr old Cedric Anderson. The victims were Karen Elaine Smith , the shooter’s wife and an 8 yr old student, Jonathan Martinez. The shooter was not white, however. Photo at link
Donald Trump, a village idiot who wandered too far from home and now, inexplicably, lives in the White House is, as we well know, the purveyor of some very Bad Tweets. And because these are not mere, garden variety Bad Tweets, but rather, Presidential Bad Tweets, they will be preserved forevermore—even the deleted…
Every time I read a headline about Bill O’Reilly and sexual harassment, I’m reminded of how he mistakenly referred to a loofah as a falafel while telling a victim what he wanted to do in the shower with her. Once that happens, I can’t have yummy, delicious falafels for a couple months without thinking of O’Reilly in…
Correct pronunciation is “roof” not “ruff”.
I’m a Cdn that’s visited SoCal but never Orange County because I tried to visit interesting places...
I’m Canadian and white. I’ve eaten in a lot of USian restaurants all over the States, including southern California. I’ve never been asked to prove my residency.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of the phrase “opposite ends of the spectrum” actually.
I read that article when it came out and I kind of wish I hadn’t. I hate that I have that as the first thing I think about when I hear Chuck Berry’s name.
Well. I mean. Apparently not.
This is their way of telling the truth and finding closure. Not everyone heals the same way. Let them have this.
Wow. -7! You don’t say. And 6 whole inches of snow! At one time.
As a northern Canadian, I think Arnett overdid it. It’s snow flurries for goodness sake. You barely need a coat, let alone the Sorels.
I agree.
I only noticed because I’m (a) Canadian and (b) do anti-oppression training. Viola’s story is standard course material and I always have to remind myself to not call her Norma. Goddamn Hollywood.
Hear, hear! I try to block that song from my consciousness but goddamn Sirius FM insists on playing it.
Viola. Not Norma. Her name is Viola Desmond.
If it makes you feel any better, the asshat that announced Desmond’s selection for the $10, Bill Morneau, also told millennials to “get used to” insecure employment and he’s attempting to roll back pension rights.
According to dirt bag, Axl Rose is a signer instead of a singer too. Someone had a rough Thanksgiving weekend.
Actually, Ford’s kids from that marriage are approaching 50.