Not until well after I had posted my reply.
Not until well after I had posted my reply.
Whether most, all or some Saudis believe that women couldn’t or shouldn’t drive, it was the law in their country until recently, it was supported by religious leaders as appropriate and women had to fight to get the “right” to drive. You can certainly question the religious dogma that supports the oppression of women…
I love these pics! Thanks.
Thanks. I liked the idea more than the execution, perhaps, but I didn’t think that was Reynolds’s fault. It was a decent movie. I’ve seen worse movies that were touted as great films so...
A woman sits in front of her computer and wonders if she should wait for the pizza she ordered to arrive before she starts drinking. Reads Selfie-conscious’s post and agrees -wtf? I’ve paid for pizza drunk before.
Buddy, if you’ve been rejected 30,000 times, trust me: Some of those women were scared of you. Anyone who goes around propositioning women like it’s breathing is fucking scary.
That statistic re. rejection: where did you get that? I’ve asked all the men in my house and none of them have been rejected 30,000 times. Yet I’ve seen you trot that out a couple times. The men in my house have been rejected 15 times total over 3 of them. So, either they are statistical outliers or you’re talking out…
They spoke up and then doubled & tripled down on their ignorance. Must be another day on the internet!
No. The meme says that women FEAR men killing them. It does not suggest that all men kill women. That statement is so patently ridiculous, I can’t believe you actually support it.
That is not what that quote implies. It’s what you’ve mistakenly inferred from the quote. You may feel that it is unfair but your feelings are the result of willful misinterpretation.
Yes. I’ve been afraid after rejecting a man. Although, that quote isn’t about rejection. It’s about any relationship between men and women. You don’t have to reject a man to be afraid of them.
Thank you. “Mid-sized city”?! It’s a freaking KINGDOM!
Mr. Barge is the same way. He claims that it’s slimy too but I don’t get that at all. Weird, huh?
Actually, she asks that her message “don’t get misunderstand.” But whatever. It was just a joke. I’m sure that it sucks to work with a cold no matter what your job is - unless your job involves eating chicken soup, experimenting with cold medicine and taking naps. Then I have no sympathy.
I haven’t seen this movie but is she really just “a girl friend” in the film? Isn’t Portman’s character more than Kutcher’s girl friend? Like, she has a job and friends and thoughts and stuff.
Only supermodels have to work when they have a cold?! I’m a SUPERMODEL!
You inspired me to get off my ass, cook up a little rice in vegetable broth and add some leftover bolognese sauce that I had in the fridge to the broth. It’s a quick soup my mom used to make and if you top it with parmesan cheese you are really living.
Nothing else needs to said. That’s it in a nutshell.
I love beef barley soup but I don’t have a lovely pot of it simmering away.
Exactly! I eat homemade soup from Thanksgiving to Easter for lunch almost every day. Not every meal or to the exclusion of other foods but soup (and stews) are hardy, filling, economical, and fucking good. Don’t make something that has been around for millennia and turn it into a dumbass, woo-filled fad.