
This behaviour is reasonable to the point of being mundane. I suppose there is something about how rich you have to be to have heated marble floors but if we’re making fun of someone for being rich and out of touch, I don’t quite know why we’d pick Sharon Stone.

One of my favourite Christmas movies. I watch it every year and I love it.

Right?! Why are fucking and Star Wars exclusive of one another? Because if I have to pick celibacy over seeing Han Solo again, I’m going to be really pissed off no matter which I choose.

Yes. I was going to say the same thing. Now, no matter who you are, you can find people to talk to that share your interests online. I think that the internet has made me smarter and more tolerant through exposure to ideas that I might never have been exposed to otherwise. The internet I seek out is the opposite of

She’s talking about her life, not tennis. People overlook women's tennis, full stop.

It’s a little known mathematical fact but Anything + Maya = Awesome. You know how anything x 0 = 0? Same idea.

Just read a deposition prepared for a hearing. The complainant wrote:

I just finished a round of interviews that included a written submission/text. The candidates had received the assignment 2 weeks before to complete and bring with them. I was stunned. These are candidates for a very good paying job with excellent benefits and, thanks to the recent Federal election in Canada, better

On a paper I submitted in uni once, under the very good mark I received, the professor wrote:

I was coming to post the same thing; she totally missed out on a ripe semi-colon opportunity!

I can’t speak for people but I do not judge people or think they’re stupid because of how they write but rather what they right. I look at the content of the statement, not the window dressing.

Exactly. It means the sender understands that when a complete thought ends, you punctuate that fucker. Period, exclamation point, or question mark, you put something there to tell people: Hey, people. I’m done with that thought. Here’s another thought for you. If you’re reading out loud, the little dots are a good


Hey, fuck you.

You keep JAQ'ing off while people die.

Just like your dumbass reply is exactly what I expect from an asshole. See? This has happened so many times, we both know what to expect from the other side. And my side is still right and you are still the fucking problem.

You are the problem. Fuck off.

It’s interesting that this is what you took away from the story. I mean, this is what you thought was worth taking issue with?

As DrDonna said, it’s a need to re-assert their hyper-masculinity.

Suggesting that God intervened to save them implies that He has a special plan for them. Why did God save them from a fatal car accident and not my father? Or my friend Colin? Why did God stop their car but not the bone cancer that killed my friend Susan?