
What if one of them was a woman seeking an abortion? Then this shooter would be responsible for the death of the fetus.

They’re the only reason I’ve been checking Jez. I need to find new blogs.

Wow. You know this isn’t going to raise the funds you need to have a baby. You know that, right?

You still here? If you don’t get a job, you’ll never be able to afford a kid.

Shouldn’t you be out getting a job, you fucking pathetic slacker? Or does your mother still cut your meat for you?

I already know there are stupid, fucking assholes in the world. You can keep your "lessons" to yourself.

I disagree. Trolls deserve to be told they are fucking scum. This person is scum. Ignoring them won’t stop that. What if a person who lost a child or is struggling to make ends meet with children reads the opening post to this thread, or any other similar bullshit? Should we let that person think the troll is

Being stupid often makes people brave. They’re too dumb to understand what they’re doing.

Or, you could fuck off with your self-righteous bullshit. There's that option too.

I think of him living through the 70s rather than defining them. But yeah.

Hmm. You had my interest piqued at Michael York but it went downhill fast.

He’s always struck me as one of those writers that thinks they’re better than they are, believing it with a self-confidence that borders on arrogance. Then, because people don’t know what’s good and lack their own self-confidence, they think he’s better than he is.

His reputation always benefited from this famous father and the company he kept.

I was 12 when the 70s ended and I still don't get it either. Harrison Ford was the only guy that looked good - off the top of my head. That's not a statement that I'm willing to stake my life on or anything.

It was the 70s. Go figure. They had a very different sense of what was attractive back then. I think it must have been all the out-gassing from the polyester clothes.

I wish that was what he had said. I would have cheered him on.

Exactly this. I get returning the award in protest to it going to an asshat like Jenner. On the other hand, returning it because she’s transitioned is also asshattery.

I hated Titanic. To be fair, I’ve never seen but I don’t have to see it to know it’s shit. Accordingly, I have carried a distaste for Winslet and DiCaprio ever since.

I like the role that Sanders is playing in the discourse right now. For the last 30 yrs, it’s been crazy right-wing voices driving the dialogue further right (No, I’D kill baby Hitler!) so it’s nice to see a progressive voice moving the Democratic Party left. Clinton will probably get the nomination but Sanders will

Sigh. Someone from my hometown, immortalized in a gif saluting wrestlers and drinking beer. Sigh.