
Is that in reference to her support of Barr in 2012? Because Sanders isn’t a 3rd party candidate.

What is that from? And why is that guy wearing a shirt from my hometown?

My answer exactly. Except I can’t imagine how I came to be driving drunk but I’m willing to entertain the notion for a hypothetical question.

Yes. If only male rapists who rape people in their care got the same length of sentence.

I think you should be the winner, winner, chicken dinner.

You win the internet for the day. Congratulations.

I mean. The cup is red. Like a poppy. Right?

Thank you for speaking truth. Truly, your courage will be rewarded.

I would like to star you 100,000,000,000,000 times because your post is so damn true, it hurts.

I don't watch SNL but last night when I didn't watch, I was boycotting it. Just putting that out there. Trump is a joke but he's also vying to be President of the most powerful country in the world. It's not funny.

Or, she’s married to an equal asshole?

She’s just kind of stupid. This isn’t even the first sort of ignorant (as in, lacking knowledge) thing she’s said publicly.

Actually, the NDP platform was to immediately decriminalize marijuana and then work towards legalizing/regulating its sale during their first term. That’s a faster method than the Liberal platform.

That was the follow up. The 2015 comment was the opening zinger.

Unless you’re coming from eastern Europe, keep your beer. Bring... Um... Solar panels? We could use a lot of solar panels. And wind farms.

AND, she's the Minister of Environment and CLIMATE CHANGE. It's right there in her job title. No more denying it.

Yup. The clearest lesson ever. The lowest voter turnout years elect conservative governments. Not just recently either; you can see it right through Canada's history. High voter turnout = progressive change (or, at least the promise of it).

You want to hear something funny? Trudeau isn’t eve left-wing enough for me. Everyone is over the moon and I’m like “repeal C-51, buddy, or get out!”

What I don't understand is the part where he confessed. CONFESSED. Does that mean something different in Backwardsland, MO?

Plus, what’s the whole creepy dance with your father all night thing? I mean, why exactly are we creating a pseudo-romantic evening for fathers and daughters? Weird. I was on the PTA at my daughter’s school. We did family events. Full stop. And no dances. We did educational family events for all the children