For that matter, how many girls are clamouring for an opportunity to dance with their fathers?
For that matter, how many girls are clamouring for an opportunity to dance with their fathers?
So, ego stroking, then. I see. Thanks.
Who else stared at that picture looking for the penis-shaped candy?
I wonder why so many celebrities are attracted to Scientology. I mean, do they stroke egos or something? I watched Going Clear and I heard the reasons people had for joining/following/belonging but, holy shit. Thetans? Xenon? L. Ron Hubbard? WTF, people. Let’s put our critical thinking caps on here.
By that reasoning, any choice will be a judgment of another’s different choice. If you think vegans are judging you because they choose to not eat meat then you must feel like you’re being judged all the time. That was the point. Sorry if I skipped a step there.
I’m not a vegan. Not even a vegetarian. Yup, internet commenters sure are intelligent, thoughtful people.
Oh no. You’ve lost me there. My life is not a judgment of your life. I can make all sorts of choices without judging people for choosing differently. If you’re guilty about eating meat, deal with your issues. But don’t expect others to worry about your feelings when they make their own life choices.
I used to work at a historic site that included a surgery from circa 1815. We had all these gruesome tools laid out and people would gasp at the barbarity of it all but most of them are still in use. The trepan, the tooth keys, the urethral sound - only the blood-letting stuff like the mechanical leech are no longer…
When I was a vegetarian, I regularly got grief for it so I kept it quiet. People seemed to enjoy trying to upset me, assuming that I was a bleeding-heart rich kid who thought all animals were Bambi (or Bambi’s mother). The fact is, I was a working-class, immigrant kid who grew up butchering animals in the family…
Don't you know what that means? I hate to break it to you, but your childhood dog isn't living on a farm somewhere either.
Calm down. No one is coming for your processed, smoked meats. Eat them until you shit cancer. It's the American way.
I have no doubt that her ankles were visible. She sounds like a harlot. A farting harlot. Or, as my grandmother used to say, a fartlot.
Thanks for explaining that. Although, for the record, that is sad and pathetic. Also kind of puts all the rapey football players thing in perspective.
Sexism bums me out too, Kristen. It’s funny that way.
No, the Kardashian comment wasn’t sexist - except inasmuch as the whole Kardashian experience is riddled with misogyny.
People don’t have to listen to her. Just because someone is giving a lecture, there is no imperative to attend and listen to the same. Or, perhaps, people will listen and engage her arguments. Unfounded arguments don’t stand up to scrutiny.
Then they’re wrong to diagnose her, just as those who condemn her are wrong.
Being drunk =/= being an alcoholic. Let’s not assume or diagnose anything here. We don’t know if she’s an alcoholic only that she was drunk yesterday, with catastrophic results.
Was anyone else being blamed for something?
Chips and dip, in my mind, isn’t something you get in a restaurant because it’s potato chips and a creamy dip. As potato chips aren't normally served as an appetizer/snack at restaurants, I'd assume the customer meant tortilla chips and a dip. That said, if I were this waiter and there were multiple dip options in…