
Are you from Minneapolis? Because I’m from Thunder Bay and I know everywhere that’s within a 6 hrs radius.

I don't know if Trudeau is fuckable but he'll be fucking us over for the next 4-5 yrs for sure.


Orange shag.

Yes. That was the Canadian experience as well. First Nations did the trapping and trading, for the most part. The “mountain man/trapper” thing just wasn’t a thing up here. European traders stayed at their trading posts and only travelled annually to send the furs east and pick up new trade goods for the west.

This film seems pretty shoo’em up Western for a fur trade story. First Nations people worked the trade and rarely fought with white traders. Or perhaps that was only in Canada? We only have a couple violent outbreaks and those were between the Metis and settlers.

Chiwetel Ejiofor and Irrfan Khan are my tickets to free myself of white privilege then. I should probably have a glass of water before I get too dehydrated...

I’m a woman. So. Another thing for you to be wrong about. Idiot.

JAQing off, huh? Well, here’s a hint - don’t forward nude photos of people unless you have their explicit permission. Because, you know what? There are more important things in the world than sharing naked photos of people you don’t know.

Fuck off with your fucking disingenuous bullshit. No one thinks you’re clever.

Brilliant reply. Thanks.

Thanks. That’s so nice to hear because, I can’t lie, it’s hard having a kid that questions authority. My authority is the first that she questions, goddammit. Every. Goddamn. Day.

I came to say the same thing. I was going to post “SHUT YOUR DIRTY STINKING PIE-HOLE, JEZEBEL!” But apparently, that isn’t necessary.

She’s doing a study in gender-identity. She won’t tell me what she’s doing with the dolls specifically but assured me the won’t be good for playing with when she’s done with them.

Oh, I mean that I saw a re-run of Fantasy Island. A re-run of the Love Boat would be awesome. I was not so blessed.

No word of a lie - I just came back from a lunchtime stop at the Thrift Store that netted me a winter wardrobe. 6 sweaters and 2 blouses. Oh, and 5 Barbies/Kens for my daughter's art project.

It was the same with that biologist (Tim Hunt?) who won the Nobel prize for biology but apparently can’t work in labs with women. I’m supposed to feel bad that a 70+yr old man who has had every opportunity to succeed is publicly humiliated by his own words/actions but not spare a thought for the women who were forced

Good. Let's hope he never feels compelled to do that again.

How will men and women EVER develop relationships if men can’t hit on every woman in every workplace ever?! The human race will cease to exist if men can’t be sexually aggressive in every situation where they are attracted to a random woman.

I don’t work in a lab but I do work in a very diverse workplace. I have colleagues of all genders, sexual orientations, races, religions, etc. We manage to treat each other respectfully and not hit on each other all the time. Also, we recognize inappropriate behavior all the time. It’s not hard.