
So happy to discover this article. SR is easily my favorite Superman film and one of my top films in the genre. I get why people dismiss it, but it just works for me on every level. Thanks for writing this.

I am a fan of all but the 2nd one, and I agree Mi3 was actually the strongest overall (even if the stunts/set-pieces in GP were better).

couldn't agree more. walked out with half an hour left.

I'm sure this isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it is in fact the first one I have ever walked out on. I can't believe how bad this was.

Just saw it. Thought it was very funny overall, with Statham's scenes being some of the best. Liked McCarthy and Byrne a lot. Was VERY surprised at how graphically and unnecessarily (IMO) violent it was. Those scenes took me out of the humorous mood quite a bit.

i was actually thinking "John Wick!" the whole time though, to be fair, I haven't seen The Raid.


i caught that!

good call!

hell yes. thank you for that reference.

better yet, it would be amazing if they found some way to show that it was actually time traveling barry who set off events leading to Wells discovering Cisco at the lab, and it was ultimately Barry's fault all along that Cisco dies (is that too dark?). But this is clearly a long shot, given there was nothing in the

very true. what has me going now is the two opposing views of time-travel as presented by Wells a few weeks ago (the "Back to the Future" mutable timeline, vs the "Terminator" fixed timeline). I think i read somewhere the writers intend to play with both ideas. As much as I like Cisco as a character, I'd be

You know, my wife and I debate this every week. She pretty much can't stand Iris and as such is not at all invested in the romance. I don't think iris is all that great either, but i feel like Grant Gustin sells it so well (his love for Iris) that I was truly happy for him when they kissed. It reminds me of Moulin

Cavanagh has been great all season. my wife refers to him as "Evil Ed."

well said.

Other Barry! You just made may day, good sir/madam.

A thought/question about that: Barry has no idea about Wells/Cisco when he travels back in time, so he has no reason to try and fix it. I feel like the only honest way they can have Cisco's death "undone" is if Barry's actions in the past have an unintended ripple effect that changes the outcome for Cisco.

I said that out loud to my wife, in my best CinemaSins voice, as soon as Fitz said the line. I believe her response was, "huh?"

i'm sure egg is a very nice person..

you have earned every single up arrow you receive for this.