
i KNEW it!!! I knew you let her kiss you…

no chance. it won't make the $ to justify sequels.

my read on that is that he didn't…he was just legitimately frightened and imagining things.

Wiggum hands Millhouse a tape to use to record the mobsters. Milhouse, looking at the tape: "Hootie and the Blowfish?" Wiggum: "Yeah, they're..uh..cheaper than blank tapes."

In college I set my outgoing voicemail message to play: "We're sorry, the fingers you've used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now."

Mike Vago, i agree GOTG managed the capture some of that "Star Wars Magic" but I also feel that Serenity did the same thing a few years back. Thoughts?

you are correct about that dress. wowza (yes, i just wrote"wowza.")

maybe I'm late to the party on this but didn't I read that Liam Neeson said he'd gladly revive the role for Arrow, but nothing ever came of it?

i think they're going to have to be intentionally vague about his speed and how he uses his powers…think about the scene where time basically stops so he can tell/not tell Iris how he feels. if he did that in every fight (a la DOFP Quicksilver) he'd never lose a fight, which would obviously be boring. So I think

this is probably the first episode in the entire run i've wanted to re-watch.

anyone else see the Joker's face in the back right hubcap? or am i crazy?

ok, I missed it…not a big reader of comics…what's the reference? Just the DC?

Right. I get why they did it: it adds to the tension and raises the stakes. All good things but not at the expense of credibility. Of course, this is also the show that tried to convince us the majority of people in a city would vote for a mayoral candidate who tried to murder thousands of people in that same city.

Ok, I love Arrow but I have a beef with this episode. The whole "we have to nuke the city to save the World" trope (see: Outbreak, Avengers, etc) seems just too preposterous here. I know we have to suspend disbelief, but didn't we just kill one of those baddies with a few grenades and another one with an arrow to

If Slade's whole thing at the end of last week's episode was that Oliver had to choose who died, why did Blood already have the press release written re: Moira's death? How did he know Moira was gonna end up dead if, as I think we're meant to believe, Slade didn't even know that until the moment it all went down?

yeah, and it's too bad because the costuming in this show is generally pretty strong…but they made a bad choice with that mask.

I was getting ready to post the EXACT same thing about the quality of the acting when young Oliver finds out the baby was lost (or so he thinks). I thought Amell was outstanding there.

Kinda random, but I always liked him as the tire expert in My Cousin Vinny. But he really was kinda awesome in everything he did. RIP.