From [her fans], Swift says, she has enjoyed "extreme, unconditional, wonderful loyalty that I never thought I'd receive in my life, not from a best friend, not from a boyfriend, not from a husband, not from a dog."
From [her fans], Swift says, she has enjoyed "extreme, unconditional, wonderful loyalty that I never thought I'd receive in my life, not from a best friend, not from a boyfriend, not from a husband, not from a dog."
She is a genius
Naomi Campbell's shade game is en pointe.
LOL, wut? Is she being funny?
Is she on painkillers?
Shhh... don't tell this hipster that growing a beard for winter is now the cool thing.
Literally all straight men I know who are under 30 dress like this unless they are I-bankers or lobbyists.
Personally, its because they've realized they shouldn't wear sneakers every damn where, and wearing boat shoes in the winter is ridiculous. Also, plaid shirts tend to be softer than oxfords, and they usually…
Yes, guys are growing fuller beards and wearing plaid and sweaters as a nod to timely fashion icon, Paul Bunyon. Or maybe, you know, because winter is coming...
My best friend has looked like this my entire ever knowing him and he kind of prides himself on not being fashionable. He texted me after this went viral confused as fuck and all I could do was laugh.
At my school, we had a "Christmas Break," and the day before it we all sat around for a Christmas play and then the choir sang Christmas carols and all sorts of other religious bullshit. That was in 2008, btw, and in a neighboring county to these assholes.
2nd asstastic day in the row and yesterday we landed on a freaking asteroid......
I love how quickly this devolves into a fever dream.
In a move that can be described as both "masterful" and "tragic," both "brilliant" and "sadistic," Entourage and and…
Speaking of Benefit...those brow zinger things with the wax and powder make eyebrows look AWESOME but also look pretty natural. I use that more than I use mascara now.
Yes, I have thin brows. This translates to less hair on my body, overall, but my brows are just.....raggedy.
i'm here. lurking. ever present. smugly watching people discuss their flawless ruler.