
Those are consistent enough in feel that I can see the designer has a vision, but in my opinion they are all ugly. They seem kind of rockabilly and there are websites where you can buy much more stylish retro or real vintage purses of the sort referenced here. Some of these are hideous.

I’m wondering who is supposed to buy them? It seems like postmodern art about consumerism. A much better choice would be the Paul Smith Led Zeppelin scarves for $665. At least they have style. I could see spending this much for vintage hiphop-related fashion, if you were to look at old photos of Lil Kim and get her

Actually you can just use logic. If you have a population of cats that can’t breed they will consume the resources. I know it works on a small scale.

Marital rape or marital rape rape?

So it’s not a leap to think “mobster.”

But Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, sees no room for discussion: “You cannot rape your spouse,” he declares confidently, “And there’s very clear case law.”

I didn’t realize I was a foodie. Thanks for another reason to hate myself.

I feel sorry for her. Maybe she was planning on smuggling forever but she might have intended to do it once. It takes years to become a citizen and now the life she would have had is gone. I would imagine being a model is not a plus in prison.

I’m sure that’s true. It can also be very difficult for a survivor to accept what happened to them.

Yeaaaaaahhhh but women get rejected daily too, and we just tell ourselves we’re not good enough and move along. We don’t shoot a bunch of strangers.

When it was one or two, or twelve, or twenty, I guess I could have seen that...

He gave all the proof anyone would need in those transcripts that came out. I think anyone still defending him either is trolling or knows but doesn’t care.

He was reacting to someone else, though, who implied that men just start shooting. I understand that society teaches men and women to handle rejection differently, but if he looks like a stereotype he was reacting to a gross generalization.

You’re earning the money you’re not being paid.

I would just imagine the dude that rented you the van showing up at 3am to see how it’s going. With a chainsaw.

Yeah, I think we can trust the Catholic Church on this...

This does not sound like a good idea. Maybe it’s possible this way to get the perfect dose and I’d be willing to try it, but energy drinks are bad enough and smoking one more hit is too easy.

It’s still unknown whether or not Houser obtained the .40 caliber handgun, used to murder two women, legally.

That’s a predictible response and got the predictible stars. But it’s very true that the percentage of men who would even ever have a thought of something like this is a very small number. It does sound like the system failed since this man was known to have had issues before he legally bought his gun. So do you want