
Eh, I don't really care at this point. There are pro-life feminists, and frankly, if they can claim the label then it seems arbitrary to draw lines anywhere else. Welcome to the club, where literally anyone is invited I guess.

Fun fact - if that's an aspen grove, it's all actually one organism! How cool is that!

Oh, come on. Put aside the fact that we are two random people disagreeing on the Internet and answer me honestly - if there were an article written by a white dude talking about how he and his black friends are all equals in the fight against racism, would we here at Jez be:

A) Clapping wildly because anyone can be a

Aw, bless your heart as well! I guess we'll just agree to disagree; your feminism includes men and mine doesn't. At the end of the day, it's hardly my top concern.

It feels like we're arguing semantics at this point, and I'm tired and really don't care to have this turn into a flame war.

Right, and it's AWESOME that he gets it and he's empathetic and an ally. His cute, well-dressed self can have all the cookies, and I mean that sincerely.

We have a word for members of the non-marginalized group who want to help - they're called Allies, and they're great. But again, not members of the marginalized group.

I'm not saying men can't be good and worthy allies. But without the lived experience of a woman, you're missing a fundamental aspect of being a feminist.

He seems like a good person, but for the last time, men cannot be feminists. Allies for sure, but feminism is a women's movement; you don't get to just claim the label because it's suddenly trendy and you want in.