
This happened to my old car, there was just a door that we just never opened.

Abed was always mentally ill, that was known in the first season.

Not good enough. all I need from these articles is for someone to say, “We’re listening, we all had problematic views back then that intertwined with our race, and that left some people outside, not just of social circles but feeling like they were outside of the black experience.” Instead this is another article

In that case please oiint to a source that suggests looking for indictments in your best practices paperwork. Ive worked with a number of companies and this has never been a practice at any of them.

Detailed obviously means a nexis search for indictments. What else could it mean in this context? Of course they do a conviction search, previous jobs, and education where necessary.

Look, I used to work at an L&E firm and there is a lot of sensitive around background checks. Most mid to large companies outsource the checks, and there is a standard list of things that those vendors check using their minimum wage employees. Company’s can choose greater levels of checks, but most of the time they

I also want to say that the real story is the lack of due diligence when compared with the kind of due diligence that nfl teams force the prospective draftees to undergo, especially when the questions and their answers often no bearing on whether or not an athlete will be successful in the nfl and are invasive for the

Did you read that? It’s the page they direct HR people to when they say, “don’t fuck this up, because we could be in violation of federal law.” This is only a piece of the pie, there are also various state laws and case law. The less checking you do, the less likely you are to violate laws, regulations or do something

I’m not saying they can’t, I’m saying they won’t. The dynamics are such that coaches are given wide latitude when interrogating poor black athletes, because these people are least likely to sue you. They don’t ask these questions of the white quarterbacks from upper middle class families and they don’t ask them of

I said this in the other thread, but I’ll say it here too. HR is not supposed to do detailed background checks on people. If you do as an HR person, and the candidate isn’t hired, they can say its because you found out that they were republican/democrat, arrested/indicted, are LGBTQ, christian/jewish/muslim and you

Isn’t it not that no one was interested in them, but that Black girls were actively saying that they weren’t “X” enough?

The hosts are starting to build their own stories (note Lee’s outrage when he discovers that Maeve and Hector are a couple),

Isn’t this a function of the “ban the box” movement? Employers are discouraged from looking into past criminal history as it prejudices people who have paid their debt to society. If I imagine the HR department, they are probably told not to look into anything that doesn’t relate to job performance in the various

I would have also accepted “pubic editor.”

I don’t know him and I don’t agree, but I think its understandable for him to say my highschool experiences were x and now I’m a hater. How many of us have had negative experiences and generalized?

Interesting, I found the opposite. Much like your conversations with your mother, strengthened you, informed you, and deepened your arguments because they were challenge, from what I know of interracial relationships those challenges spring up and and inform you. Even when the challenge aren’t as antagonistic and

If you say so, but that’s not my experience.

I think that’s different from the founder of the company.

If you’ve ever worked with engineers, you’d know that touching someone else’s system is taboo, especially lead engineers. A lot things are inter connected, and even if you think you know how something works it could have larger consequences. At my old job, once as a prank a junior engineer unplugged the mouse usb of

And the pete guy from Smallville was a second in command of some drug dealing operation. What was going on on the set of that show?