
Yeah, I thought the new characters came off a bit as Boba Fett’s Funky Bunch, with Skittles Skooters (taste the rainbow™). They made everything in the episode feel especially juvey. And the only character who at least looked intimidating ended up being a big puss (the dark-haired Wookie).

felt like half an episode. i hope the final half of the season has something more to offer, but boy this really just feels like content for content’s sake doesn’t it?

While I did still enjoy the show, although certain aspects of it will soon probably become grating, there were three visual scenes that legit made me giggle over how utterly silly they were.

Discovering that Robert Rodriguez was involved in this explained a lot about why Danny Trejo suddenly turned up (not that that’s ever a bad thing) and also why the colour-coded kiddie bikers gave the episode a real Spy Kids vibe (which is not a good thing).

That chase was uncomfortable to watch because of how obviously slowly the vehicles were moving. The landspeeder didn’t even seem like it was going to clear the debris it was dislodging from precariously-placed overhangs.

They completely ruined that game for me. Made changes to all the characters I thought were fun to play, had 400 hours into that game but haven’t touched it in years now.


I’d leave the Needler out of that, it only needs like 2-3 seconds of sustained fire for the supercombine kill. Pretty useful. The other 4, though, they suck on ice.

Right? Ten years ago I was so tired of listening to Halo pro players whine about how the game should cater to them. At this point I am so over it.

Thats the problem with listening to players , (I’m not talking about Halo here , just in general) the majority of people enjoying a game dont really communicate with the developers , they just log in and play the game, the ones that do want to talk are a tiny minority of hardcore players who metagame and dont play the

As far as I can tell they’re already balanced completely differently. The pulse carbine is my favorite weapon in campaign, and it’s worse than being unarmed in multiplayer.

Maybe we could see some buffs to other weapons instead. If a map spawns a pulse carbine, a plasma pistol, a disruptor, a needler, or a ravager you can bet your ass it will always be there because absolutely nobody will touch them.

I hope they don’t only listen to the pros. Too many FPS’ see radical and detrimental changes because they only listen to the pros. Ruins it for those who usually play casually or those that try to grind ranked.

I like Ubisofts approach with Rainbow Six Siege where they tell you which group is targeted with specific

Halo 2 and 3 still have very strong online communities. At some point these guys really need to just go back to them instead of expecting every new game to be them.

I love that “pros” don’t know to keep distance. Melee is a sure way to get killed, which is def what the Mangler is, a close range weapon with a literally pair of blades on it lol

Is nice to see that even over 15 years later the pros still are trying to remove every gun save the BR.

i mean moral guilt was a fairly overt part of the story here and ultimately i don’t really understand what their take on ronin/murder is, other than maybe it’s okay if you feel about it?

“we totes panned up before the gunshot for no reason you guys honest lolz"

Most obvious fake-out since they dusted Spider-Man right before his already announced solo movie was coming out.

Nobody believes Fisk is dead. Lol