
I tried the Beyond Burger for the first time over the weekend and I surprised at how bad it was. I could tell it wouldn’t be the same when I smelled it pre-cooking, but I marinated and seasoned it, grilled it, added cheese, ketchup, and pickle, and sent the majority of it down the garbage disposal. It made me sad, but

Oh shit, check out that proof. I have a bottle of wild turkey rare breed at home that’s 58. something percent and its fantastic. Highly recommend it.

You definitely won’t be cold in that case.

People who steal things aren’t usually discriminate about what they steal so long as they feel it’s worth it in some way.

People who steal things aren’t usually discriminate about what they steal so long as they feel it’s worth it in some

If you want to save money on Prime Day, Amazon will be offering plenty of deals. So many, in fact, that you might end up spending more than you planned. don’t participate.

I like the method of using a new character that's black rather than making Peter Parker black. 

Would you stand up for a live action white Tiana and call it bold? Or would you display fragility and be upset? 

A little soda makes me feel a lot good.

Normally the censorship would bother me, but this isn’t part of the actual movie. It’s just the fake blooper reel at the end so it’s all good in my opinion.

So for $215+ you can get an inexpensive desktop computer. My real concern is that most modern computers need a minimum of 8gbs of ram these days and that’s the low low end. Meanwhile the maximum GBs of ram these pi devices come with is 4GBs. 4GBs is what I got in college back in 09, and it doesn’t cut it for a device

So for $215+ you can get an inexpensive desktop computer. My real concern is that most modern computers need a

So who all has a google home device? How do you feel about it? Is it worth it?

So who all has a google home device? How do you feel about it? Is it worth it?

covering my front bottom and my back

The "Dark mode" isn't really worth anything at the moment as it only darkens address bar. 


It’s filled with smoke here in Indiana as well. Sucks.

Drinking at home is where it’s really at. Cheaper, I can watch tv, I can hear people if I’m having them over, we can play games (board, card, video, etc) there’s no last call, and nobody cares if you pass out.

I really don’t care for bars. I have a difficult time hearing anyone in them and second hand smoke gives me a headache nearly all of the time. There was a short time wear my state banned smoking in bars and it improved the experience by about 50%, but they got rid of that rule and now it kinds of sucks again. I’ll go

Maybe, but for a long time it’s been one of the more expensive options. Plus it usually would end up meaning less storage space than I previously had, even if it was faster.

Maybe, but for a long time it’s been one of the more expensive options. Plus it usually would end up meaning less