
God this is tempting. An SSD is literally the last thing that I can do to upgrade my laptop at this point before just chucking the thing and buying a new one. I maxed out the ram, I have a cooling fan desk, gave it a bluetooth adapter and combined it with a bluetooth speakerbar that I have hanging on the wall, I have

God this is tempting. An SSD is literally the last thing that I can do to upgrade my laptop at this point before

Was that a Legend of Zelda song the band played at the beginning?

I’ve never been as happy with the “Wheel World” that got implemented after the gamecube AC.

They very much tried this approach with a healthcare bill. Trump swayed their way for about 5 minutes (or about a day in political terms) before doing a 180.

Look for this flag and enable it.

Look for this flag and enable it.

This is the one I have, but it didn’t appear for me until I enabled both “Android Chrome UI dark mode” and “Android web contents dark mode” in that order specfically. Otherwise only the second would work and the dark mode never showed up.

I reduced my cable bill with a combination of Plex, piracy, and Netflix. I have no cable bill.

Just don’t tip at all. Problem solved.

It sounded like you enjoy the taste of meat when you said “I’ve been a vegetarian for nearly 30 years and like the Impossible burger *especially because* it tasted like meat”

Why not? You only live once, you may as well let yourself experience the things you enjoy once in a while.

Seems like you would be a better omnivore than a vegetarian. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything like that, but if you enjoy the taste of meat it seems like maybe you should at least be a part time vegetarian.

Are people not allowed to make jokes and lighten the mood during a bad situation now?

As others mentioned the throne was far more intimidating in the books, but also you’re totally right about it being uncomfortable as well. Robert actively complained that it was awful to sit on and others got cut up by it and it even killed one dude. It’s seriously not the chair you want to sit on for a lifetime.

Both seem like terrible people. I get that it's a fun little revenge story (possibly a fantasy), but am I supposed to cheer on a person who faked a friendship for a year to get some petty revenge? The realization that you were never friends with someone who you were interacting with for a year seems like a worse

So it beats some things, but nothing by very much. For me it comes down to a trade off between looking at your phone a bit less, and having a corporate listening device (or 2-3) in your house.

Endgame and Game of Thrones comes out in the same weekend and people cheer.

Of course, if everyone followed Cersei’s example humanity would be doomed. Congrats on the cynical take though. It’s all I ever expect from the Concourse.

Thoughts and prayers don’t even keep people in pews safe.