
I’ve done this before with other things and my experience is that AGH is largely correct. I did get in on one app once that rewarded you with gift cards of your choice for tuning into tv shows by letting your phone listen into them for a while before they decided to cut way back on what they were offering and simply

Amazon, a trillion dollar company everyone.

RIP Dumb Cunt.

I don’t know about doing this with takeout, but I could definitely use some of these techniques regardless.

lol I really do appreciate food that’s been beautifully displayed. The food has to taste good of course, but it can add an extra layer of interest to it.

Seems like a legit strategy albeit one that’s frustrating and boring to watch. Then again your primary objective in a versus game, particularly in a tournament, is to win, not to entertain an audience.

I declare this to be infinitely better than a damn child leash. I still advocate for holding hands, but this is an improvement over some of the other methods I’ve seen.

Disregarding and destroying knowledge followed by death was the perfect was way to sum up Joffery’s story.

The manager explained they can’t replace it, as there’s been “fraud in the past”

But then we would never talk.

I thought that was just a kinja thing. I’m dumping it in that case.

One of the things that kept me reading for fun was being into an ongoing series of books. That series for me was the Animorphs which came out with a book a month for several years. A lot of people had Goosebumps, but I would recommend a series with an ongoing story as opposed to one where kids feel like they can

I didn’t think so, but I’ll doublecheck.

I thought this episode was very sweet. Bob's Burgers does sweet better than any other show in my opinion. 

My wife thought the same thing. 

I noticed Jimmy Pesto's friend is back giving Jimmy high-fives at Bob's expense. A whole episode was spent on that just last week. 

I’m sorry, I thought my sarcasm was clear.

I’d argue it makes the businesses entitled, not the people who need to tips because their employer no longer pays them enough because “Haha the customers will just tip em.”

I’d argue that, at least in the case of not tipping the cleaning crew, we are saying businesses need to start fairly compensating their employees and not expecting customers to make up the difference. Yes, we’re still paying for it, but it’s not this weird thing where people may not even know they’re supposed to be

I tip restaurant servers exceedingly well. Perhaps I need to re-think tipping in hotels.