
And picking hair out of the drain? Really? Hard pass.

Yes yes yes yes yes!

I’ve literally never thought about tipping a cleaning crew at a hotel. I expect the hotels I stay at to properly pay the people who work for them. Like it’s legit news to me that this is even an expectation and I see it as a way for businesses to further skimp on compensating the people who they employ.

I don’t understand why you have so few stars for this comment..

Give up the coke zeros as well. Then give up meat. After that give up everything that has ever made you happy. Live off water and sunlight and consume your nutrients via photosynthesis. You are now a plant. Hopefully a tree. Trees live for a long time, be an oak. Then we can chop you down and make a bourbon barrel out

If you don’t already do yourself a favor and drop the coke from that whiskey from time to time and just enjoy the various flavors of the alcohol that have been years in the making. Keep enjoying your whiskey and coke as well though.

So stop posting these bullshit stories which unfairly target the lifestyles of the poor and disadvantaged.

Does this also extend to coffee that has sugar mixed in? What about literally anything with sugar mixed in?

You've never seen food presented in a way that made you want to try and make it yourself? 

I think you meant Jesus, and yes? Totally agree?

Taking photo’s is taking away from the dining experience.

How does it ruin anyone else’s experience of their food for you to take a picture of your food?

Food is also a visual thing as well. Some food looks so beautiful or so appetizing that you want to show it off. Others may see it and want to go to that same place or try to make a version of their own.

Can I give you a thousand stars?

I’ll mostly take pictures of something that I have made personally if it’s particularly appetizing. I rarely do it with food that I get at a restaurant, but it’s pretty dumb in my opinion to try to stop others from doing so. And if you are a chef who does this in your own restaurant than I would venture a guess that

My opinion is that you should be able to take all the pictures you want. It’s not the chef’s food, even if it is their work. They’re not paying for it, you are and it’s yours to do with what you like.

Everyone is one of those annoying folks. We’re all annoying from time to time.

Can you honestly explain the difference? Both are people giving their opinions on food for better or worse. Does being paid for it really change the quality of the opinion for you?

It’s more like it played upon people’s expectations of the medieval fantasy genre. The most famous one is Lord of the Rings which is a good vs evil story and if you are a good guy trying to do the right thing you are most likely safe as a character and if you are like Boromir who tries to do something bad, even if

That would be just about the dumbest thing ever.