
This is actually pretty cool. Polaroid made something I want.

@xd.Balls: Who says they have to be celibate?

I predict this mission will not be completed. I predict another biodome scenario (I mean the actual biodome, not the Pauly Shore movie, although this experiment will bomb just like the movie).

Venice seemed to do just fine.

I'm investing in canisters of helium.

I don't think this is how 4G will play out because:

@Sedirex: That's a good point - I got all excited until I read your comment and remembered that I use smart bookmarks for all my searches.

The real great tip: camera connection kit.

Just got back from three weeks backpacking around Europe with my iPad. I wish I would have known about offmaps or the app store had decent enough search capabilities to bring it up when I searched for "offline maps."

@Duophonix: I bet you're a really fun person to watch movies with.

@jaroslavstehlik: Well I don't know about the plane, but most phones have data connections, and I've never been on a Cesna with a flight attendent to tell me to turn it off.

Correlation surely proves causation. This was such a poorly done study.

Uh-oh - better announce data caps, get rid of free mobile-to-mobile, Charge twice as much for 4G, etc.

What happens when the licensing server goes offline, or I want to start an app but am not connected to a data network?

What's the mAh rating on those batteries?

@Augureone: The problem I have is keeping my hair looking nice after having been in such close contact with the tinfoil. Do you go shiny side out or shiny side in?

Why are we making Tron shoes when we still don't have team Zissou shoes or auto-lace-up McFly's?

Apple fans are so amazing at rationalization and cognitive dissonance. I've had friends defend to me why having less features is better, stretching reason to its limits.

@BeefSupreme: No. If it was you could run your own power plant and solve the world's energy crisis.