Gizmodo is telling us to avoid something because it's unnecessary, overcomplicated and expensive? I must have left for longer than I thought...
Gizmodo is telling us to avoid something because it's unnecessary, overcomplicated and expensive? I must have left for longer than I thought...
I was waiting for the dragon to spit fire in my face, but wonderfully it never happened. Whoever did the 3D conversion had maturity and a sense of the good things 3D can do. Plus, my theater had special Potter 3D glasses.
Because Anonymous did absolutely nothing meaningful? Let's face it, anon's only reputation is from massive DDoS attacks and media accusations of being behind the PSN hack. While we can debate how much skill was required for lulzsec's targets, I'm pretty sure we can all agree they were miles ahead of anonops.
The catch: "Smartphones require a separate data package to access data/web services".
yarly, I was looking at the people saying this is the end of the "ponzi scheme". Time to get rid of my debit card as well...
Proof that it's not invincible, and that storing your bitcoin wallet unencrypted is as stupid as storing your credit card info in cleartext.
A hilarious (yes, I know about you haters below, but I still find this funny) demonstration of how poor most security is against a few bored hackers with seemingly no agenda.
*heartclick*, I couldn't stop laughing.
Are you calling him fat? There are consequences.
If she's here in the south, you can definitely find her using the name "Ma Biddle".
Does anyone else find the EFF sticker on the meter ironic?
The stereotypes are facepalm-worthy sometimes (I seriously turned off the one with the native american werewolf 10 minutes in and never looked back), and I personally find the "conspiracy" episodes tedious, but many of the criminal or monster-focused episodes are beautifully written and shot. It's a consistent show…
I know, it really didn't work until they went back to the restaurant and set to work puzzling over number 1, then the Doctor is back.
Awesome. I hope that time goes by fast, my torrent client will be grateful.
Same. Firefly was a great series, but it definitely wouldn't make my list. It's a little scary because of the cult (in the full sense of the word) following. It had great inventiveness, but it would never make a list with the films above plus true classics like Star Trek, X-Files, and others that would take too much…
Even family values candidates need somewhere to hide their pr0n.
Jack, you are awesome! I'm in high school now, and I so despise this behavior that after owning a phone for a few months, I canceled it and replaced it with a prepaid phone that can only do voice calls. Maybe a bit pessimistically, I don't see this as giving up traditional socialization, it's merely an extension.…
Live comparison is key. I actually picked up my current monitor at a thrift store, and the surface of the screen is flat and it's grey, black and relatively short; it's not a big white '90s tube. Still, no way of telling when it will die of natural causes, not even considering a magnet mishap, so when it does stop…