
I assume, then, that you have repeated protest posts on other surgeries posted to youtube? There are brain surgeries in full glory with the camera pointed straight at the action. That must get you in a tizzy.

Yeah, this is totally a private matter and she has every right to deal with it privately. But she is also allowed to deal with it publicly. Plus I think it's important to remember that abortion is the only (or one of very few) medical procedures that are actually dictated by the State.

It's odd that you cannot even imagine that a woman might want to destigmatize abortion for any other reason than pissing conservatives off.

We see it that way because it is. She is helping break down the taboo surrounding abortion and she did that knowing the shit that would be thrown at her. That is pretty brave to me.

Per the operating room footage, I could see how it could be soothing for someone contemplating the procedure to "see" the operation before going in.

The "pro-choice, but..." crowd makes me want to scream sometimes. If you're genuinely pro-choice, let others do with their lives as the want/need to do and go on with your own.

Yes - an all this "she got herself pregnant." You know, by herself. With her own semen.

I am not sure if I feel comfortable with you comparing eating mayo filled cupcakes with rape... maybe its because I am a survivor but it seems very trivializing.

That's not totally fair. Some are also anti-women.

The only time it's appropriate to talk about the death penalty and abortion is to point out the hypocrisy of the "Pro-Life" movement. A lot of politicians/supporters of "pro-life" bullshit support the death penalty and aggressive military measures overseas. Hence, they are not in fact "pro life" they are anti-abortio

Typical Shawn.

That's exactly what I came here to say! "You're right, Emma, there's nothing inherently feminine about sewing. Sewing is for anyone who wants to make a costume for themselves."

And furthermore, Andrew, if all you meant is that traditionally, women have done more sewing than men, in the late 1800s in large American

Reminds me of "Wayne's World":

I'd love to believe in a god, because it would make things a lot better and happier, but the doubt arose...

Looked up a fellow law student on the facebook. Oh, what a cute girlfriend! And down the rabbit hole we went. Law student was 28 or so and had recently quit his job as a public high school English teacher, this I knew. What I did NOT know, was that his girlfriend, who had moved to our city with him, had just

Tell Us About the Juiciest Thing You Found Snooping On Social Media

With an "e", motherfuckers!!!


God, nothing pisses me off more than that. Awstyn, Madisynne, Lilleigh . . . You want your kid to have a "unique" name? THEN CHOOSE A DIFFERENT FUCKING NAME. Don't just take a common name and spell it like an imbecile. Arrrghhh!!!

No scope for imagination, these people. I swear to Anne.

Jesus, the Jennifer/Jessica era was a long, dark slog. I can't wait for all of the moms of Sophias and Emmas and Avas and Olivias to fill up the comments insisting that when they picked their daugthers' names, they were the only person they knew who had even THOUGHT of that name!