
Ashley, I’m so sorry you’ve drawn this beat.

I watched this movie yesterday and I’m really baffled by the hype. Sure, the music scenes are great, Rami Malek was good (but nomination-worthy?!?), and I appreciated the attention paid to Freddie Mercury’s love of cats...but the rest was meh. One scene in particular made me cringe: when a producer was trying to talk

The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun

Start by getting out of the grays

I drank nothing but Jim Beam and Milwaukee’s Best for 6-1/2 years of college, but do I get a magazine profile?

We did the same thing for Rio.

Well lord knows that there are no prominent Latino playwrights or composers.

It’s a shame that Spanish has gone the way of Aramaic and there is no longer anyone around who Kushner could have consulted with who could provide an accurate translation.

Absolutely. B appears to be well taken care of, loved, and kept in the home she knows. This in of itself is a huge accomplishment.

I have family members living with Alzheimer’s right now and this disease is f*cking horrendous. Oftentimes, the majority of care falls on one person. (My aunties hair fell out in clumps from the stress of caring for her mother)He hasn’t abandoned her. He is loving and caring for her the best way he can. I’m glad he

I would go a step further; they’ve found a way to endure a terrible situation in a way that keeps them as together as is possible under the circumstances.

Seems Dr. Sanderson experienced an unconscious coupling.

I refuse to judge B. Smith’s husband.  If you haven’t lived it you have no vote, opinion or advice to offer.  

Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

Oh you can be sure Kris has been working on the prenup for as long as Kylie has been with him. 

and yet, here we are.

Sudden? Haven’t they been dating for like a decade?

I look forward to my future very conflicted feelings about Scar.

I’m grumbling here because KK’s breakout role was the bestie in Bend It Like Beckham. I mean.