
This is a very good comment.

#teambrit for motherfucking LIFE. icon? Even I know my girls limitations. Has this not been one of her Achilles heels for like, almost the last 20 years?

Pshh. If the only reason to watch is The Babe Factor, I’ll go watch Working Girl again.

Indiana Jones. And I don’t care. I DON’T CARE, I SAY.

I could have told this same story, word for word.

I ate my encapsulated placenta. I struggle pretty badly with depression, and was willing to try anything to avoid PPD. I figured if I can eat a hot dog, I can eat my encapsulated placenta. My baby blues (which everyone gets, and is not the same thing as PPD; it’s basically just a giant hormone shift after birth, and


So, I used to think the show was called “19 Kids and Collecting”, and that the gist was that they kept adopting children. I thought this for a very long time, and was appalled (well, appalled as one can be about a show they’ve never seen, and knew nothing about) that they referred to adopting children as “collecting”

I UGLY cried walking down the aisle (or rather, through my backyard towards the wedding party), which made me laugh, and embarrassingly try to hide my face with the bouquet. The pictures of the ceremony are hilarious/not cute.

Outdoor kitchen. In addition to the badass row home in my favorite neighborhood of my city, a house in the Keys because goddamnit, I love the Keys, and all the weirdos who live there.

This was a very good comment.

You sign up for Car2Go online. After your license is confirmed valid, you are mailed a Car2Go card. You use an app to find the closest available car (or usually, just see one - they’re everywhere). There is a scanner in the windshield of the car that confirms your membership with the card, and has your bank account


Whoa. Talk about dodging a bullet.

I’m so sad I missed last week’s pissing contest. Iggy Pop accidentally head butted me at his concert whilst stage diving, and gave me two black eyes and a slight concussion. I had to wear sunglasses around my young niece because my face made her cry.

The craziest thing I’ve done after a bad breakup was go back for more. First love makes you insane in the membrane.

Definitely a life threatening case of fuckface-itis.

This is, without question, the best description of a big dick EVER. Well done.

Yeah, my hair is so fine that by 5pm on day 2, you can see my scalp because the oil is clumping my hair near the root, and I look like Queen of the Trash People. I would do the slicked back pony tail, but the only way my hair is manageable is in a bob.

J Lo's boobs have been really on point this whole awards season. No snark, just some appreciation from a 31 year old who just recently finished breastfeeding, and is in a state of shock whenever she sees herself with her bra off.