
This article doesn't mention that most cases of N. fowleri don't come from nasal irrigation; most come from swimming in lakes. It primarily affects younger people, so the theory (last time I heard, which was the death in Lake Havasu) is that "violent" splashing/jumping in water allows the amoeba easy access to the

Forgive me if I'm off base (and it seems compared to the other commenters, I am), but my kids aren't getting tablets until they're 10 at least. What's the point? I remember recently going out to dinner and seeing two kids (4 and 6 maybe) each playing with their own iPad while the dad was on his phone. It was sad; I

When I hear cyber, I think of a lot of people getting "in touch" ... with themselves.

I think defenestration is the best choice, though it might be a bit long.

Officer Roxy would not put up with this shit. Shame, Jasimine Guy.

Just in case anyone was wondering: "Déanta in Éirinn" means "Made in Ireland" in Irish.

Occupy Occupy?

Who are the fashion hoi polloi? Android users?

I usually don't respond if it's only been one date, mostly because I find if I do reply, that opens the door to them trying to convince me to go on another date. I will, however, respond if he's a nice guy but I just didn't feel any chemistry. But if you're a douche whose idea of fun is talking about how much money

I'm assuming QAZZY must not leave the apartment very often.

Since my turn is about an hour away, I have a question: Does anyone know what the Samsung/Roku/Lego balls look like? It just says that they have a logo on them. Are they different colors or opaque too?

I'm so confused... why is there a mannequin in the ballpit? Also, can I win it? Cause I'll go for it if I can.

Sort of. Technically, an American is made by pulling shots into a cup, then filling said cup with hot water. A long black is made by filling a cup with hot water and then pulling shots into it. A short white, IIRC, is made like a long black but with about half the water and a splash of milk (or foam?).

An Americano (or a long black, depending on how it's prepared) is espresso and hot water.

So, in other words, lego my Gizmodo?

My question: what drink are they making? I see foam on the top and coffee (espresso I assume) and water pouring in. All of that in a relatively small cup... I'm fairly knowledgeable about coffee, but can someone help me figure it out?

Well, it's using hexadecimal, but that's about all I have.

Do they already use clothes made out of fabric that's been treated with anti-microbial things (like silver)? That would seem like an easy way to help out with the smell, but I don't know how effective it would be.

Don't worry, Eddie Murphy will keep you company.

I realize that, but what I'm saying is this: typically those who are ignorant enough to diss someone over their gender isn't going to use the correct pronoun. I'm not well-versed in twitter, but I honestly can't read it any other way that having a self-referential meaning to "son". I mean, this is the whole quote