
Haha, I was thinking the same thing! Love me some dlisted.

HGell, if I were Lady Gaga, I'd demand both of those, and that his farts smelled like brownies, his sweat tasted like honeysuckle, and his tongue was like Gene Simmons's. I mean, if you're Lady Gaga, why not shoot for the moon?

As a SoCal Starbucks employee who had to work Thanksgiving and Black Friday, we definitely had a lot of people coming in for their morning diabetesccino before heading out for the shopping. my brother works for Best Buy, and he told me they were crazy... poor guy had to work a 10 hour Black Friday shift.

As much of an ass he may be, I'm pretty sure that comment was directed to his own mother (because he's been cursing up a storm and generally being a fuckwit on Twitter). I mean, if he was going to get into trans-bashing, why would he say son?

Did you have any of the problems associated with a ketogenic diet (kidney stones, elevated cholesterol levels, etc)?

I wonder how much they controlled for the arrival/departure locations (for example, Delta's hub is in Atlanta, where the weather is nicer than Continental's Cleveland). Wouldn't that have a measurable effect on the delays/cancellations?

"Pouring sauce into a zip-lock bag is like trying to pick up a watermelon. "

Depends on the business. I know that every Starbucks I've worked at (5, IIRC) had a cordless phone because it was much easier to multitask with a cordless. I could see something similar at other foodservice/restaurants. That being said, every office I've worked in has had only corded phones. What it boils down to

Actually, I would contend that (especially among white wines) aging is at best ineffective for the vast majority of the wines out there. Unless you only buy the very best wines, odds are you can crack it open right after you buy it and it will be as good as it will ever be.

If that's true, George Lucas would have a triple-homicide on his hands.

Well, certainly the up to 50% inheratance tax that she had to pay on all of her late partner's (Susan Sontag) estate certainly didn't help.

No mention of the major label skirting "Artist Hub"? It could do a lot to shake-up the record companies. I'd like to know your thoughts on it.

Actually, there were some polyandrous marriages in Joseph Smith's time:

To be fair, wouldn't you rather have the error caught and fixed? I know this is a "blog," but I imagine the fewer errors there are on a page, the better, right?

Agreed. Call me weird, but I've definitely peed outside in my yard to give the plants some nutrients. I mostly do it because every time I flush a toilet bowl of just urine, I feel a little guilty.

To be fair, there's nothing in Kyosuke's post that says she's a millenial...

Ugh, those people piss me off. It makes me want to be an clinic escort, or at least hold up a sign that says "Ignore these fuckers. Do what's best for you."

It starts even earlier, IIRC (it's been a few years since I was last in Germany). From what I remember, there's a period during the day for a "religious" class, and the Protestants go to one and the Catholics go to another. Those who aren't either can choose to go to one of those or a secular-humanist/philosophy

Am I the only one that doesn't like this whole "thinner = better" when it comes to tablets? I understand when it comes to cell phones because most (men) carry them in their pockets, but I like to have a little more substance to hold on to when I have a larger tablet that already needs a backpack or something.

Alexa Chung: "Went to 'interact with the art' at The New Museum. That slide is an anxiety shaft".