salty tear shoveler

Dodge Macan

Wont be necessary with silent electric cars

Yes but that means car makers have to meet this standard to sell there. CA is trying to dictate its agenda to all states since automakers are going to build to the highest available standard

in todays outrage news....

This is how they and their audience talk, thats how guys rip on eachother. if you want to be treated equally and you cant deal with it GTFO.

oh boy the winning just wont stop

f you, i paid for this uncomfortable seat and I will eat what i want and take my shoes off

2020 gonna be a boatrace

How was Weezer not number 1,

you just got killed by a daewoo lanos

sounds like you should be a server....

No public person is allowed to be conservative according to deadspin

I reuse the sriracha squirt bottle by making an asian sauce with all the sriracha stuck to the sides. just need a funnel

How much money was wasted to find out this useless fact?

Id rather go on the coke and heroin Bourdain tour

I am truly shocked no one wants to buy their ugly loud & trashy motorcycles

Soccer players are always on top for awful clothing, tattoos and haircuts. seems like 99.9% of them have terrible taste

I ignore spam emails every day, how is this a nightmere

youre wrong about the scooters, its so easy to get around on them and its like $2. instead of driving and never finding parking, you just Bird it over.

Have you ever seen a man actual drool over a woman?