Zaphod Burnerbrox

they were in a conference composed exclusively of expansion teams. any team that made that finals would’ve been the first expansion team to make a finals. they’re not special; they’re assholes

Somehow this is Sepp Blatter’s fault.

you can even get those for free if you flirt with the Wawa cashier a bit. that’s a solid lifehack right there.

I can get an 8 pack of hot dogs at Kroger for 2.50, boil them all for a week’s worth of provisions, and then let the hotdog water ferment for a couplefew months and end up with a potent and tasty beverage just in time for October baseball. All I’m sayin’ is if you’re spending good money’ for your hot dog liquor,

The picture in the header makes Durant look like a hardcore dad that never lets his son win because it builds character


if the Warriors win this series, it was the Finals. if the Rockets win, it’ll be fun just to watch Lebron foul Harden 9 million times and never foul out.

I assure you I would choose James Harden last in a game of pickup basketball the only regret I would have would be letting him into the game in the first place.

the Era of the Iso-Flopper has come, my friend. Do you like watching the game grind to a halt so a bearded man and his hobbit companion can carefully shoot free throws 10 times a game? have i got a team for you!

This is incredible. I click on every post I see here about Major Events in EVE specifically because even I don’t have the temperament and/or time to play, I find what goes on there completely fascinating.

in this case it may have something to do with his “aw shucks I just like runnin’ and we’re havin’ a good time doin’ it, y’all” attitude that led to known cheaters taking advantage of a poorly executed event.

yeah man, there’s still plenty of exciting narratives and a ton of great soccer to be played. it’s still going to be a fun World Cup.

on the contrary, fuck US Soccer for hiring Bruce fucking Arena again, who couldn’t even do the one job he was fucking hired to do, which was limp into the World Cup from one of the softest qualifying pools in the world.

oh wow we won’t see him score one goal in 3 games and mistime a million sprints. sure is a shame Jozy Altidore isn’t going to the world cup

that’s how any reputable MMA organization does it. the nature of the sport is such that brain damage is a question of when, not if. that said, they still do their absolute best to minimize it because having your retired stars eating their meals through a tube at the age of 35 isn’t a good look.

JR Smith doubled over laughing at how ridiculous that was is basically everyone that isn’t a Raptors fan right now

we get it, Mr. Jordan, you’re trying to protect your legacy. now get off Deadspin and go back to gambling on the golf course.