Dim The Lights, Chill The Ham

I was getting more of a Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie.

No. People do not signal. Sorry. Nope. Wrong. Fake news.

Thanks for this fresh new perspective. I too am in my 30s. It makes me feel a lot better about when I tell people “I gotta go, I got some pussy waiting for me back home” and omit the part about her needing me to dump the cold turkey giblets and gravy into a bowl for her...

She also fails at illustrating any sports. Who cares??

Yes! The new 2017's are in!

Yeah, Cruz would’ve been alright. Plus, President Look-at-this-fish-we-dredged-up-from-the-bottom-of-the-ocean has a certain ring to it.

Michael Jackson’s Thriller down the street at 7-11


If one squints and imagines oregano haphazardly strew across one edge of it.

I think it would be cool if there were some Matrix agent-like NPCs that, while never knowing who they could be or when they would suddenly aggressively and frighteningly start trying to kill you.

Anyone else wipe back to front? You’re gonna say you’re not supposed to, but I’ve done extensive tests with mirrors and have clean underwear to prove that it is in fact much better.

I lean forward like one of them Olympic long jump skiers to wipe.

Are we sure this isn’t just Rachel Dolezal gone full Tropic Thunder?

Were you there when Kowloon Walled City still stood? That shit was bananas (I’ve never been, just managed to get my hands on a PDF copy of City of Darkness).

I hope that if I reincarnate in the future, this whole race stuff will have been fixed.

Q: How much mo?

He seems to be giving a lot of the people who didn’t vote for him a lot of excuses for hating him these past several months, as opposed to just hating him because he won. Liberals seem angry now about the electoral reform thing... U read Globalnews everyday (which may or may not be a good thing) and every article