Showcase in Canada.
Showcase in Canada.
It's unlikely that your answer clarified it for Mr. H.
... and before all this moto-bro wackness, DC used to be cool skate shoes.
Nice Hollywood Shuffle reference.
Lemme guess- Commonwealth Games '94? A friend of mine worked on the construction of her private, below-stage bathroom. Was wondering how to hide a camera in there.
Rooney eats it.
So it's some sort of ghetto car made for ghetto people? Or ghetto car made for outrages people? Or a magic daffodil seed born in an enchanted candy mountain mixed with 45 litres of caramel, nightmares, one of those combs, and complete fucking horseshit?
I used to have a similar response to seeing a 928 in the early '80s, when I was about nine. I used to shriek and gasp, and my dad would flip because my reaction was so explosive and not what he found helpful when driving.
Please shut up, all of you.
I'm calling bullshit on that. You can be into CKY but the shit was increasingly bush-leage and idiotic. And I like that sort of thing.
Cayman: The Italian 911.
Agreed. More intense, less gallant. Porsche could have delivered it. Less self-reference, more Bruce.
"So what Jefferson was SAYIN... was HEY! You know? We left this England place because it was bogus. So unless we get some cool rules ourselves, PRONTO... we'll be bogus too. Yea?"
Whoops- the 935's eyes are closed.
Woodward's Beige Beetle in All The President's Men. Great night driving dialogue scenes shot in that thing. Directors of today take notice!
Nice move, 944. That was some collected driving.