
I was witness to this meltdown in real time last night. And IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.

Denise wasn’t fired from The Federalist because they were offended by her homophobic tweets. Domenech saw the opportunity to fire Denise after she tweeted shit about his wife and took it.

Bless her. Gaga’s performance was energetic, but there’s just something so... uncool about performing at the SB halftime show. It’s like performing at the Oscars, it’s always so neutered and flat and so... safe. Sanitized for chubby crist-ee-an children sitting in front of the tv in Wisconsin and Utah. Rihannah oozes

So I was curious and looked up some numbers. Rihanna is the 8th best selling artist of all time worldwide. Her sales are more than Beyonce and Jay-Z combined.

Super Bowl? Never heard of her.

Adam Levine taking his rightful place as runner-up, excellent.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

You mean like Carrie? 

Yes, it’s embarrassing that Elizabeth Warren believed she was Native American and was ultimately incorrect. That I consider really awkward but forgivable and survivable, politically. 

I can’t wait to see what knee-slappin’ humor you have.

Anyone who’s all “in today’s climate...” is either a) guilty, b) an extreme asshole or c) both.

Bloggers Tom & Lorenzo christened Channing “Charming Potato” and it’s all I see when I look at him. I don’t get the appeal, other than his dance skills.

All of this is dwarfed by the fact that he finally came out and said it: that he doesn’t care if Doctor Ford was telling the truth.

Honestly, this makes me frothy with rage. This fucking orange tinted asshole is so goddamned delusional, he needs some thorazine, a straight-jacket, and a nicely padded room that locks from the outside.

I would have to think that Teddy, Lincoln and Eisenhower would want very little to do with the rest of them, even Ford. 

“Sure he’s an asshole, but heeeeey as long as the LIBTARDS are mad? ITS ALL GOOD!!!”

rampant gossip and speculation about his mental health

Beyond the bigotry issues, USA Gymnastics’ #1 priority right now is to show that they’re going to be advocates for athletes and do everything they can to discourage a culture of silence.

Even then, the damage is done. I don’t know why we keep having to give people second chances when they clearly don’t get it. She did that a MONTH ago. 

I look forward to seeing Biles kneeling after winning gold at the next Olympics, and everyone losing their minds about it.