
I really liked Midnight in Paris but the flashback parts - I hated all of the moderny parts with Owen Wilson whining about being a grown-up and having deadlines.

This was every guy I dated in college. I married the first one who didn’t love Allen. It’s been a solid metric so far. 

If someone suggested “Midnight in Paris” to you as a good Allen film, they were either insulting you or having a laugh at your expense, or both. Don’t hang out with that person; they don’t like you.

Touring was probably her only respite from pinball and Dario Argento films at all hours of the night.

I enjoy his work from time to time, but... ugh... for every enjoyable live show out there, there seems to be an equal number of angry/drunken rants.

It’s not wrong to wish for an unrepentant rapist to die of natural (and painfully horrific) causes.

Ryan Adams seems like the worst, like so bad that even his mom is probably Team Mandy. 

Add Deepak Chopra to the list of shitty men that are promoted/protected by Oprah Winfrey. Between “Dr.” Phil’s naked misogyny and Dr. Oz’s snake-oil peddling racket and now* Deepak getting handsy (never mind basically creating Jenny McCarthy as an anti-vax superstar) few people do more to help others do harm to women

I didn’t ask for it, but I’d certainly like to see it.  For charity, of course...

Watch it? Ill fucking pay to watch it.

Michael Avenatti actually looks like he stabbed somebody at one point in his life. Jr looks like pisses himself whenever his mistress pulls out the big black dildo for anal play time.

If you look at 538's analysis, Kavanaugh didn’t change the dynamics in the House - before and after the hearing, Dems were in good (but by no means guaranteed) position to retake control. The news yesterday was that most analysts think 70 seats that were won by Trump in the 2016 election are in play for Dems, far more

Let me help with the despair. First, McConnell is at least exaggerating. Their base has been pretty demoralized and this was the first breath in a long time. But according to the most recent poll, only 40% of people who supported McRapey’s confirmation are excited to vote, while 58% of people who disapproved are. And

America has a history of unlikely victories in the face of formidable opposition. And of achingly slow progress after too many setbacks at too high a cost. We must press on. I think of MLK’s echoing of Moses- we may not live to see it, but we can still help get people to a better place. If more people operated with

Former Torontonian here: The goss around Toronto was that The Weeknd only wanted white women at his shows and he would tell bouncers to keep black women out. Which is... gross. That is enough for me to cancel him - how bout u, Bella?

I also love that after she posted this to Instagram so many people online were like ‘No one cares about your political opinions T Swift!’ and then a few hours later young voter registration sky rocketed. Good for her!

Aside from all of the relevant things I think make him a terrible POTUS/leader, he is just tacky. as. fuck. The gold. The poorly fitted suits. The hair. God, even his mistresses.

I wish I knew how to feel less depressed. I live in a blue area of Northern Virginia. Our governor, both senators, and my congressman are Democrats so while I will 100% be voting (and have turned out to vote blue for the less-publicized local races as well) and I have given as much as I can afford to Dem candidates in

As a straight, white man he’s entitled to have what he wants when he wants it. Instead he had to wait four whole days to give his testimony! Each felt like a lifetime. It devastated his family. /s

Okay I understand why people want to blame Andy Dick for Phil Hartman’s death, but that seems HELLA unfair to me. Hartman’s wife had the ability to make her own choices, and even if Dick physically forced the coke up her nose, I know plenty of cokeheads who never murdered anyone. His wife was an unstable person with