
As I posted elsewhere here, I’ve been voting since 1980. In that entire time, only once did I honestly feel I could vote FOR someone. (Obama) In all the other elections, I voted against someone. It’s just what life dealt. You’re voting for the best thing for the nation, not for the thing that makes you feel all

People did show up to vote though, so enough with the tired should’ve-fought-harder mentality. She had the third highest turnout (number of votes cast) of any primary candidate ever. The first two highest turnouts are held by Obama.

I guess its easy to be efficient when you just steamroll the fuck over our democracy

Usurping the judiciary is move #2 (after the press) in ‘How to be a authoritarian for dummies”

Don’t forget about all of the federal judges that need appointments. I wake up in a cold sweat in fear about what will happen at the lower level courts.

War is coming, Sipowitz. I’d thought originally that it would kick off guerilla-style between regular citizenry over policy changes, but what you’re describing sounds like a ripe opportunity for a military coup. Fuck. Fuck.

So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for

Anyone he picks will probably be just as backwards as Scalia was so I doubt it’ll really have that much of an impact.

I shouldn’t be surprised. There’s a scene in Hotel Rwanda where some dude says something to the effect that the enemy (whichever it was— Tutsi?) are “cockroaches.” They don’t view them as human. Everything in the campaign to inspire them is geared toward dehumanizing them. It’s that moment when you see a FB comment by

Trump’s so terrible we can run anyone we want against him and win in a landslide!

Seriously. I assumed he’d take at least a year or two to really fuck things up, but he’s gone and done it in a week.

Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!

So it looks like the authoritarian law enforcement in our govt are gearing up for a showdown with the judiciary. Considering who has the muscle, I don’t think the judiciary is going to win.

Oh my god. What a nightmare. I cannot believe that all this has happened within a week of Trump taking over the presidency and I am so afraid for vulnerable people such as this family.

Some bit of good news: one of the Iraqi interpreters was released:

This is such an unimaginable reality. How has it only been just over a week since Obama was our President? It feels like the country has been razed.

I would take a million Muslim refugees or illegal immigrants from Mexico over your worthless ass. I wish you a long and miserable life.

It’s been permitted to slowly deplete personel wise as we’ve reduced the number of troops abroad by about 100,000. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of things the military uses are old and in disrepair but we should be focusing on efficiency. Smaller, more effective. We don’t need a million man standing army. Well actually...

And people holding green cards are banned as well. This is Un-American.

Um, maybe I missed when it happened over the past 8 years but when did the US military fall into such disrepair that it required rebuilding?